05.12.2006, 23:28
Hier aus der deutschen:
Und anbei das Plugin noch.
Kannst du mir vllt auch sagen, wieso ich das Englischepaket nicht löschen und kann? Weil danach kann ich auf das Forum nimmer zugreifen.
Hier aus der deutschen:
Zitat:$l['boardstats'] = "Foren-Statistiken";
$l['new_posts'] = "Forum enthält neue Beiträge";
$l['no_new_posts'] = "Forum enthält keine neuen Beiträge";
$l['forum_locked'] = "Forum ist geschlossen";
$l['lastpost_never'] = "Nie";
$l['forum_unapproved_posts_count'] = "Es gibt zur Zeit {1} ungeprüfte Beiträge in diesem Forum.";
$l['forum_unapproved_post_count'] = "Es gibt zur Zeit 1 ungeprüften Beitrag in diesem Forum.";
$l['forum_unapproved_threads_count'] = "Es gibt zur Zeit {1} ungeprüfte Themen in diesem Forum.";
$l['forum_unapproved_thread_count'] = "Es gibt zur Zeit 1 ungeprüftes Thema in diesem Forum.";
$l['markread'] = "Alle Foren als gelesen markieren";
$l['forumteam'] = "Foren-Team";
$l['forumstats'] = "Foren-Statistiken";
$l['todays_birthdays'] = "Heutige Geburtstage";
$l['quick_login'] = "Schnell-Login:";
$l['login_username'] = "Benutzername";
$l['login_password'] = "Passwort";
$l['index_logout'] = "Abmelden";
$l['private_messages'] = "Private Nachrichten";
$l['pms_new'] = "Du hast {1} neue Nachricht(en) seit deinem letzten Besuch.";
$l['pms_unread_total'] = "(ungelesene Nachricht(en): {1}, Nachricht(en) insgesamt {2})";
$l['stats_posts_threads'] = "Alle Mitglieder haben insgesamt {1} Beiträge in {2} Themen erstellt.";
$l['stats_numusers'] = "Registrierte Mitglieder: {1}";
$l['stats_newestuser'] = "Unser neuestes Mitglied heißt: <b>{1}</b>";
$l['stats_mostonline'] = "Besucherrekord: {1} ({2}, {3})";
$l['whos_online'] = "Wer ist online?";
$l['complete_list'] = "Vollständige Liste";
$l['online_online_plural'] = "Benutzer";
$l['online_online_singular'] = "Benutzer";
$l['online_member_plural'] = "Mitglieder";
$l['online_member_singular'] = "Mitglied";
$l['online_anon_plural'] = "sind";
$l['online_anon_singular'] = "ist";
$l['online_guest_plural'] = "Gäste";
$l['online_guest_singular'] = "Gast";
$l['online_note'] = "{1} {2} aktiv in den letzten {3} Minuten ({4} {5}, {6} davon {7} unsichtbar, und {8} {9}).";
$l['subforums'] = "<strong>Unterforen:</strong>";
Zitat:$l['boardstats'] = "Board Statistics";
$l['new_posts'] = "Forum Contains New Posts";
$l['no_new_posts'] = "Forum Contains No New Posts";
$l['forum_locked'] = "Forum is Locked";
$l['lastpost_never'] = "Never";
$l['forum_unapproved_posts_count'] = "There are currently {1} unapproved posts in this forum.";
$l['forum_unapproved_post_count'] = "There is currently 1 unapproved post in this forum.";
$l['forum_unapproved_threads_count'] = "There is currently {1} unapproved threads in this forum.";
$l['forum_unapproved_thread_count'] = "There is currently 1 unapproved thread in this forum.";
$l['markread'] = "Mark All Forums Read";
$l['forumteam'] = "Forum Team";
$l['forumstats'] = "Forum Statistics";
$l['todays_birthdays'] = "Today's Birthdays";
$l['quick_login'] = "Quick Login:";
$l['login_username'] = "Username";
$l['login_password'] = "Password";
$l['index_logout'] = "Logout";
$l['private_messages'] = "Private Messages";
$l['pms_new'] = "You have {1} new messages since your last visit.";
$l['pms_unread_total'] = "(You have {1} unread messages and {2} total messages in all of your folders.)";
$l['stats_posts_threads'] = "Our members have made a total of {1} posts in {2} threads.";
$l['stats_numusers'] = "We currently have {1} members registered.";
$l['stats_newestuser'] = "Please welcome our newest member, <b>{1}</b>";
$l['stats_mostonline'] = "The most users online at one time was {1} on {2} at {3}";
$l['whos_online'] = "Who's Online";
$l['complete_list'] = "Complete List";
$l['online_online_plural'] = "users";
$l['online_online_singular'] = "user";
$l['online_member_plural'] = "members";
$l['online_member_singular'] = "member";
$l['online_anon_plural'] = "are";
$l['online_anon_singular'] = "is";
$l['online_guest_plural'] = "guests";
$l['online_guest_singular'] = "guest";
$l['online_note'] = "{1} {2} aktiv in den letzten {3} Minuten ({4} {5}, {6} davon {7} unsichtbar, und {8} {9}).";
$l['subforums'] = "<strong>Sub Forums:</strong>";
Und anbei das Plugin noch.
Kannst du mir vllt auch sagen, wieso ich das Englischepaket nicht löschen und kann? Weil danach kann ich auf das Forum nimmer zugreifen.