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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

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Migration Woltlab Burning Board Lite (WBB Lite) v1.0.2 zu MyBB 1.8.x
Wie bereits angekündigt (https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-24771-p...#pid257755),
möchte ich nun mein Versprechen einlösen und eine Lösung vorstellen, um ein altes WBB1 Lite vollständig in ein MyBB-Forum zu migrieren - und das unter Beibehaltung aller Datenbestände. Die Migration wurde bereits ausgiebig getestet und mehrfach bestätigt.

Als alter Forum-Hase möchte ich hiermit meinen Beitrag leisten, um auch die alten Foren nicht aussterben zu lassen, sondern den Betreibern eine Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Foren zu neuem Leben zu erwecken.

Ich bin für jede Rückmeldung dankbar...

(Bitte habt Verständnis für folgende Beschreibung in Englisch)

Migrate Woltlab Burning Board Lite (WBB Lite) v1.0.2 to MyBB 1.8.x

These tools will convert and migrate a Woltlab Burning Board (WBB) Lite v1.0.2 pl3 into MyBB v1.8.

Objects of migration
The following objects will be covered by the migration and transfered to MyBB:
  • Forums, subforums, categories (incl. thread and post count + type and parentlist correction)
  • Threads
  • Thread prefixes
  • Posts (incl. smilies + signature options and edits)
  • Polls, poll options and votes
  • Users (incl. password conversion, unique hash, login key, birthday conversion, counters and activity)
  • User avatars
  • Buddies and users ignored
  • User profile fields
  • User titles (ranks)
  • Announcements
  • Events
  • Forum subscriptions
  • Thread subscriptions
  • Icons (incl. path corrections)
  • Smilies (incl. path corrections)
  • Private messages and custom folders

MyBB v1.8 needs to be installed and working with an administrator account - source and destination schemas must be located in the same database server. It is recommended to use the latest MyBB version (https://mybb.com/download/).

Chose a different table prefix for the new MyBB install.

Migration process:
  1. Make your custom changes to the config file: migrate_globals.php
    Setup your database connection as well as table prefixes, Administrator ID and the number of splitted inserts
  2. Copy all files to any location of your webspace (e.g. subfoler of your MyBB installation: ./mybb/*_migrate_*.php)
  3. Run each PHP file for a granular migration in the specified numbered order
    IMPORTANT: Due to data dependencies, it is mandatory to run the scripts in the specified numbered order: 01_*, 02_*, 03_* etc
  4. Copy necessary image files into place, e.g. ./imges/smilies/*, ./images/icons/* and ./uploads/avatars/*
  5. Make all neccessary board settings in Admin-CP
  6. Check and ensure users and group and permissions
  7. Run a manual refresh on all counters in Cache Manager
  8. Recreate custom BB/MyCodes
  9. (optional) Set up URL redirections with files attached (redirect_url/*) to keep all internet links alive. Either apply the .htaccess rules or upload both files 'board.php' and 'thread.php'. If you are using different directories, make changes to the pathes properly. Both files act as HTTP header redirects from the old URL to new MyBB URL.

These scripts are designed to run from a terminal console (CLI) with plain text output only.
You can run the scripts from the browser of course (plain and not HTTP compliant). Consider the risk of HTTP timeouts depending on the size of your database/tables.
Some tables with potential for a heavy data load will be imported using a splitted data volume. The number of rows can be manually defined in the config file; default rows: 100.
This migration tools will not touch any files in the filesystem. It performs database reads, conversions and imports only.

Using PHP CLI:
Establish a connection to your webserver and open a terminal/shell session with administrator privileges.
Navigate to the scripts folder and run each PHP scripts in the specified numbered order, like this:
root@server:/web/htdocs/mybb/migration/> php 00_migrate_source_stats.php

Tables to be migrated, merged or converted
Source table -> Destination table
avatars -> users
boards -> forums
folders -> users
groups -> groups
icons -> icons
options -> settings
polloptions -> polls
polls -> polls
posts -> posts
privatemessages -> privatemessages
profilefields -> profilefields
ranks -> usertitles
smilies -> smilies
subscribeboards -> forumsubscriptions
subscribethreads -> threadsubscriptions
threads -> threads
threads -> threadprefixes
userfields -> userfields
users -> users
votes -> polls

The download package of the migration tools contains the following files:

Migration Woltlab Burning Board (WBB) Lite v1.0.2 to MyBB 1.8.*

Every feedback appreciated.


Ich freue mich über jede Rückmeldung... und jedes alte Forum, das in MyBB widerbelebt werden konnte.

NokiaPort.de Forum Nokia-Traditionsforum seit 2006. (MyBB + innovatives Theme)
Wusstest-Du.de - täglich wissen!
Unlösbares Problem, Dilemma? -> das Nötel (-:
Gute Arbeit, [ExiTuS] !

mit Sicherheit ein Migrationstool, das seine Anwender finden wird, denn es schwirren doch noch eine Menge Wbb1Lite durch das Netz, die nun die Option haben auf eine aktuellere Software zu wechseln.
Kein Support per PN, Mail, Telefon, Hausbesuch, Discord, Telegram, WhatsApp und anderen nutzlosen Tools

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