Hallo, Gast! (Registrieren)

Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

Benutzer, die gerade dieses Thema anschauen: 5 Gast/Gäste
Keine Installation
das tritt auf,wenn ich das Forum aufrufen möchte.Hoffe ihr lönnt helfen.

run_hooks('index_start'); // Load global language phrases $lang->load('index'); $logoutlink = ''; if($mybb->user['uid'] != 0) { eval('$logoutlink = "'.$templates->get('index_logoutlink').'";'); } $statspage = ''; if($mybb->settings['statsenabled'] != 0) { eval('$statspage = "'.$templates->get('index_statspage').'";'); } $whosonline = ''; if($mybb->settings['showwol'] != 0 && $mybb->usergroup['canviewonline'] != 0) { // Get the online users. if($mybb->settings['wolorder'] == 'username') { $order_by = 'u.username ASC'; $order_by2 = 's.time DESC'; } else { $order_by = 's.time DESC'; $order_by2 = 'u.username ASC'; } $timesearch = TIME_NOW - (int)$mybb->settings['wolcutoff']; $comma = ''; $query = $db->query(" SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, s.location1, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions s LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (s.uid=u.uid) WHERE s.time > '".$timesearch."' ORDER BY {$order_by}, {$order_by2} "); $forum_viewers = $doneusers = array(); $membercount = $guestcount = $anoncount = $botcount = 0; $onlinemembers = $comma = ''; // Fetch spiders $spiders = $cache->read('spiders'); // Loop through all users. while($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) { // Create a key to test if this user is a search bot. $botkey = my_strtolower(str_replace('bot=', '', $user['sid'])); // Decide what type of user we are dealing with. if($user['uid'] > 0) { // The user is registered. if(empty($doneusers[$user['uid']]) || $doneusers[$user['uid']] < $user['time']) { // If the user is logged in anonymously, update the count for that. if($user['invisible'] == 1) { ++$anoncount; } ++$membercount; if($user['invisible'] != 1 || $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] == 1 || $user['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid']) { // If this usergroup can see anonymously logged-in users, mark them. if($user['invisible'] == 1) { $invisiblemark = '*'; } else { $invisiblemark = ''; } // Properly format the username and assign the template. $user['username'] = format_name(htmlspecialchars_uni($user['username']), $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']); $user['profilelink'] = build_profile_link($user['username'], $user['uid']); eval('$onlinemembers .= "'.$templates->get('index_whosonline_memberbit', 1, 0).'";'); $comma = $lang->comma; } // This user has been handled. $doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['time']; } } elseif(my_strpos($user['sid'], 'bot=') !== false && $spiders[$botkey]) { // The user is a search bot. $onlinemembers .= $comma.format_name($spiders[$botkey]['name'], $spiders[$botkey]['usergroup']); $comma = $lang->comma; ++$botcount; } else { // The user is a guest. ++$guestcount; } if($user['location1']) { ++$forum_viewers[$user['location1']]; } } // Build the who's online bit on the index page. $onlinecount = $membercount + $guestcount + $botcount; if($onlinecount != 1) { $onlinebit = $lang->online_online_plural; } else { $onlinebit = $lang->online_online_singular; } if($membercount != 1) { $memberbit = $lang->online_member_plural; } else { $memberbit = $lang->online_member_singular; } if($anoncount != 1) { $anonbit = $lang->online_anon_plural; } else { $anonbit = $lang->online_anon_singular; } if($guestcount != 1) { $guestbit = $lang->online_guest_plural; } else { $guestbit = $lang->online_guest_singular; } $lang->online_note = $lang->sprintf($lang->online_note, my_number_format($onlinecount), $onlinebit, $mybb->settings['wolcutoffmins'], my_number_format($membercount), $memberbit, my_number_format($anoncount), $anonbit, my_number_format($guestcount), $guestbit); eval('$whosonline = "'.$templates->get('index_whosonline').'";'); } // Build the birthdays for to show on the index page. $bdays = $birthdays = ''; if($mybb->settings['showbirthdays'] != 0) { // First, see what day this is. $bdaycount = $bdayhidden = 0; $bdaydate = my_date('j-n', TIME_NOW, '', 0); $year = my_date('Y', TIME_NOW, '', 0); $bdaycache = $cache->read('birthdays'); if(!is_array($bdaycache)) { $cache->update_birthdays(); $bdaycache = $cache->read('birthdays'); } $hiddencount = $today_bdays = 0; if(isset($bdaycache[$bdaydate])) { $hiddencount = $bdaycache[$bdaydate]['hiddencount']; $today_bdays = $bdaycache[$bdaydate]['users']; } $comma = ''; if(!empty($today_bdays)) { if((int)$mybb->settings['showbirthdayspostlimit'] > 0) { $bdayusers = array(); foreach($today_bdays as $key => $bdayuser_pc) { $bdayusers[$bdayuser_pc['uid']] = $key; } if(!empty($bdayusers)) { // Find out if our users have enough posts to be seen on our birthday list $bday_sql = implode(',', array_keys($bdayusers)); $query = $db->simple_select('users', 'uid, postnum', "uid IN ({$bday_sql})"); while($bdayuser = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if($bdayuser['postnum'] < $mybb->settings['showbirthdayspostlimit']) { unset($today_bdays[$bdayusers[$bdayuser['uid']]]); } } } } // We still have birthdays - display them in our list! if(!empty($today_bdays)) { foreach($today_bdays as $bdayuser) { if($bdayuser['displaygroup'] == 0) { $bdayuser['displaygroup'] = $bdayuser['usergroup']; } // If this user's display group can't be seen in the birthday list, skip it if($groupscache[$bdayuser['displaygroup']] && $groupscache[$bdayuser['displaygroup']]['showinbirthdaylist'] != 1) { continue; } $age = ''; $bday = explode('-', $bdayuser['birthday']); if($year > $bday['2'] && $bday['2'] != '') { $age = ' ('.($year - $bday['2']).')'; } $bdayuser['username'] = format_name(htmlspecialchars_uni($bdayuser['username']), $bdayuser['usergroup'], $bdayuser['displaygroup']); $bdayuser['profilelink'] = build_profile_link($bdayuser['username'], $bdayuser['uid']); eval('$bdays .= "'.$templates->get('index_birthdays_birthday', 1, 0).'";'); ++$bdaycount; $comma = $lang->comma; } } } if($hiddencount > 0) { if($bdaycount > 0) { $bdays .= ' - '; } $bdays .= "{$hiddencount} {$lang->birthdayhidden}"; } // If there are one or more birthdays, show them. if($bdaycount > 0 || $hiddencount > 0) { eval('$birthdays = "'.$templates->get('index_birthdays').'";'); } } // Build the forum statistics to show on the index page. $forumstats = ''; if($mybb->settings['showindexstats'] != 0) { // First, load the stats cache. $stats = $cache->read('stats'); // Check who's the newest member. if(!$stats['lastusername']) { $newestmember = $lang->nobody;; } else { $newestmember = build_profile_link($stats['lastusername'], $stats['lastuid']); } // Format the stats language. $lang->stats_posts_threads = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_posts_threads, my_number_format($stats['numposts']), my_number_format($stats['numthreads'])); $lang->stats_numusers = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_numusers, my_number_format($stats['numusers'])); $lang->stats_newestuser = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_newestuser, $newestmember); // Find out what the highest users online count is. $mostonline = $cache->read('mostonline'); if($onlinecount > $mostonline['numusers']) { $time = TIME_NOW; $mostonline['numusers'] = $onlinecount; $mostonline['time'] = $time; $cache->update('mostonline', $mostonline); } $recordcount = $mostonline['numusers']; $recorddate = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $mostonline['time']); $recordtime = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $mostonline['time']); // Then format that language string. $lang->stats_mostonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_mostonline, my_number_format($recordcount), $recorddate, $recordtime); eval('$forumstats = "'.$templates->get('index_stats').'";'); } // Show the board statistics table only if one or more index statistics are enabled. $boardstats = ''; if(($mybb->settings['showwol'] != 0 && $mybb->usergroup['canviewonline'] != 0) || $mybb->settings['showindexstats'] != 0 || ($mybb->settings['showbirthdays'] != 0 && $bdaycount > 0)) { if(!isset($stats) || isset($stats) && !is_array($stats)) { // Load the stats cache. $stats = $cache->read('stats'); } eval('$boardstats = "'.$templates->get('index_boardstats').'";'); } if($mybb->user['uid'] == 0) { // Build a forum cache. $query = $db->simple_select('forums', '*', 'active!=0', array('order_by' => 'pid, disporder')); $forumsread = array(); if(isset($mybb->cookies['mybb']['forumread'])) { $forumsread = my_unserialize($mybb->cookies['mybb']['forumread']); } } else { // Build a forum cache. $query = $db->query(" SELECT f.*, fr.dateline AS lastread FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forumsread fr ON (fr.fid = f.fid AND fr.uid = '{$mybb->user['uid']}') WHERE f.active != 0 ORDER BY pid, disporder "); } while($forum = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if($mybb->user['uid'] == 0) { if(!empty($forumsread[$forum['fid']])) { $forum['lastread'] = $forumsread[$forum['fid']]; } } $fcache[$forum['pid']][$forum['disporder']][$forum['fid']] = $forum; } $forumpermissions = forum_permissions(); // Get the forum moderators if the setting is enabled. $moderatorcache = array(); if($mybb->settings['modlist'] != 0 && $mybb->settings['modlist'] != 'off') { $moderatorcache = $cache->read('moderators'); } $excols = 'index'; $permissioncache['-1'] = '1'; $bgcolor = 'trow1'; // Decide if we're showing first-level subforums on the index page. $showdepth = 2; if($mybb->settings['subforumsindex'] != 0) { $showdepth = 3; } $forum_list = build_forumbits(); $forums = $forum_list['forum_list']; $plugins->run_hooks('index_end'); eval('$index = "'.$templates->get('index').'";'); output_page($index);
ein paar Infos mehr wären schon nützlich!
Was wurde zuletzt gemacht?
Verwendete Forenversion?
Was bedeutet "Keine Installation" als Themenbetreff?
Und eventuell ein Link zu deinem Forum bzw. wo man es finden könnte.
Nichts wurde gemacht.Ich wollte es gerade einrichten.Die neuste Version.
Der Link:
du solltest als erstes mal die rot markierten Fehler bei der Installation checken!
Ah habs. Jz kommt dieser Fehler:

Bei der Überprüfung der Voraussetzungen des MyBB wurden die unten aufgeführten Probleme festgestellt. Die Installation kann nicht fortgesetzt werden, da die minimalen Voraussetzungen nicht erfüllt werden. Bitte beheben Sie folgende Probleme und versuchen es erneut:

•MyBB benötigt mindestens eine installierte kompatible Datenbankerweiterung. Der Server gab zurück, dass keine zur Verfügung steht.
Ich habe einen Root Server.Bei der Vorrausetzungen kommt dieser Fehler:
•MyBB benötigt mindestens eine installierte kompatible Datenbankerweiterung. Der Server gab zurück, dass keine zur Verfügung steht.
Wie behebe ich diesen?
bei Server muss ich passen, aber du als Server-Administrator solltest das doch eigentlich wissen, oder?
Klar,eigentlich geht ja auch alles.MySQL geht bei allem,nur da nicht.
Ich habe die beiden Threads zum selben Thema zusammengefügt.....
viele Grüße
übersetzte und eigene Plugins
Scheint ja nun zu funktionieren ? Einzig was noch fehlt sind einige Bilddateien.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
