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Yui Editor
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Yui Editor

- Easily add new buttons (in ACP)
- You can use this in quick reply and quick edit, or replace SCEditor in all place.
- Autocomplete Mention
- Imgur Upload (need put client id in ACP)
- Auto Save feature
- Quick Quote feature

To add image in your new button:

You need found image with extension '.png' and size 16x16 px and rename the image with your button name.

Ex: spoiler --> so you need found spoiler image with extension .png with size 16x16 px and rename to spoiler.png

Where i upload image file?
You need upload to inside of folder jscripts/yui/editor
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: Yui Editor 1.0.1

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  Yui Shoutbox MyBB.de Bot 2 1.646 11.05.2020, 12:50
Letzter Beitrag: lenox