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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

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Thankyou MyBB System
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Thankyou MyBB System

Zitat:Let the users can use thanks button on postbit for all posts on there, adding capabilities to use hide tags inside your post and can see contents on that tag until you thank that post.

A lot of options are added, it's the same Thankyou MyBB System + rep + Myalerts but compatible with 1.8.x series.

1.- Thanks Counter for every post.
2.- Reputation System integration or not or rep and MyAlerts bridge if MyAlerts is present.
3.- AJAX technology performed.
4.- [hide] Tag to add MyCode to hide contents until thanks every post (you can set your own tag, by default use hide).
5.-ModalBox list to show who thanked the post and list the latest 10 max in new window with option to see all thanks in new page.
6.- Templates to edit at your own and styleshet for an entire customization.
7.- List of thanks gived and received linked on postbit templates to show on all posts if you enable this feature.
8.- Usergroups who can see hidden content without reply, to review purposes and security.
9.- Usergroups who can´t see hidden content as guest, banned, until activation by default, but you can put at your own.
10.- Thanks button and al plugin styled with CSS.
11.- Multilang available to use this mod.
12.- Apply on all forums, because all users ever have the same problem of config mistake, but now all forums was taken.
13.- Total ammount of thanks per day by usergroup taken a task to run every day to set all counters to 0. (This can be enabled or disabled if you widh in this new version)
14.- Optimized server loads to do more usefull.
15.- Enabled cache to load or won't options to do more flexible and won't change nothing if you customize all plugin and decide to deactivate and activate again.
16.- Backup when you uninstall plugin if you wish to use all data after.
17.- Added more code options and fix all encountered bugs founded till now.
18.- Visual efects and more have changed to do more compatible with MyBB 1.8.x series it's recomended to use the latest one, tested on 1.8.3 version and programed in this, so maybe on lesser versions can not work fine, but only update MyBB and have to work.
19.- You can use hide tag or a customized tag to hide contents until thanks on every post. (This option was available since the first system for 1.6.x series but now this works on new 1.8.x series too).
20.- Add a button for sceditor to use with this system if you wish to use hide until thanks feature.
21.- Only works fine with 1.8.4 versions (since 2.5.2 version). Maybe some changes have to been made manually on your lesser 1.8.x versions .
22.- Works fine on 1.8.6 till latest 2.5.4 versión. And now you can update without lose any data. (Only upload new files run uninstall and then run install again, that´s all, all fields and new data records will be created and mod have to work in all senses).

NOTE: Use only this system on 1.8.x versions with themes for this release, if you have a lesser version 1.6.x use the system to that version, that's all  folks!!!

Read post instructions to make ir works and no problem issues to experiment or confusions. To update or anything only uninstall and install again, all work are maded and no loose data. (After this proccess run rebuild task on maintenance and that was all). If you convert from another system to this, only install this mod and then run converter.php on forum root once, then when all was finished remove that file and run rebuild task.

You need to only upload:


This three dirs to forum root and


file to forum rooth and that is all...

Enjoy it !!!
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: Thankyou MyBB System 2.5
looks fine for Firefox... but chrome and IE do not work :-(
Sorry, aber bei mir fonktioniert dieses Plugin mit allen von dir genannten Browsern 1a.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ansonsten kannst du auch mal das Plugin probieren: => http://community.mybb.com/thread-59652-p...pid1130766
THX... für die Info... habs nochmal probiert und nun läufts (fast aber nix gravirendes mehr) .. muss nur noch für unser Forum angestrichen werden :-)

entweder ich bin blind oder die möglichkeit gibt es nicht.

weiß jemand wie man die begrenzung von möglichen 10x bedanken am Tag ausschalten kann ? So dass es eben keine begrenzung gibt ?
hat sich erledigt...

kann in den Gruppenberechtigungen angepasst werden
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: Thankyou MyBB System 2.5.1
Könnte mir jemand erklären wie ich das genau benutze wenn ich ein jetzt ein link verstecken möchte und man den nur durch danke sehen kann.

Durch die info werde ich nicht schlau von der seite

Wäre sehr verbunden wenn es mir jemand erklären kann.

Möglicherweise verwandte Themen…
Thema Verfasser Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
  ThankYou MyBB.de Bot 72 30.884 17.10.2010, 06:58
Letzter Beitrag: ElkeK.
  Thankyou/Thanks button MyBB.de Bot 0 1.578 10.10.2010, 17:01
Letzter Beitrag: MyBB.de Bot