Beiträge: 7.055
Themen: 4.716
Registriert seit: 06.12.2006
02.09.2014, 16:01
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 11.02.2025, 19:05 von Bot.)
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht:
Zitat:This Bot can react on new Users or on threads/posts. You can add some conditions and the actions the bot should perform.
Conditions:- A specific User posts
- A User in a specific group posts
- The post is in a specific forum
- A specific string is in it
- Just in threads with less than x posts
- Prefix
Actions:- Answer
- Move thread
- Delete post/thread
- Stick thread
- Open/Close thread
- Report Thread
- (Un)approve thread/post
- Write a PM
Beiträge: 7.055
Themen: 4.716
Registriert seit: 06.12.2006
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht:
MyBot 1.4
Beiträge: 7.055
Themen: 4.716
Registriert seit: 06.12.2006
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht:
MyBot 1.4.1
Beiträge: 80
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: 17.09.2015
MyBB-Version: 1.8.7
Ich hab mir den MyBot 1.4.1 gestern mal installiert und getestet.
Wenn sich ein neues Mitglied registriert hat kommt nach der Freischaltung irgendwie keine PN an.
Hab dem Bot als Sekundäre Gruppe Administrator gegeben, die Primäre Gruppe ist eine neue (auch mit Adminrechten).
Was komischerweise funktionieren die anderen Funktionen (wie z.B. automatisch ein Willkommensthema erstellen oder auf Posts von bestimmten Usern antworten). Nur mit dem PNs klappt irgendwie nicht.

Auch die letzte Stable Version vom 01.04.2015 funktioniert nicht.
Hab keine Ahnung ob sich da was mit anderen Plugins nicht verträgt.
Aktuell installierte Plugins:
- Announcement (2.4.1)
- DVZ Shoutbox (2.2.1)
- Erweiterte Umfragen (Umfragen-Manager) (1.5)
- MyBot (1.4)
- Neuen Button in den SCEditor (3.0.0)
- Thank You/Like System (1.9.6)
MyBB Version 1.8.6 und PHP Version 5.4.45
Hoffentlich kann mir irgendwer weiterhelfen.
"Gib jedem Tag die Chance, der schönste deines Lebens zu werden." - Mark Twain
Beiträge: 1.735
Themen: 232
Registriert seit: 12.02.2014
MyBB-Version: 1.8.x
gib der gruppe mal die rechte, auch wenn user den empfang von pn deaktiviert hat, sie senden zu dürfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Für etwaige Tipps, Vorschläge oder Anleitungen von mir gebe ich keine Gewähr. Die Durchführung erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr!
Beiträge: 80
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: 17.09.2015
MyBB-Version: 1.8.7
18.09.2015, 18:19
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.09.2015, 18:20 von Miracle Boy.)
(18.09.2015, 18:00)hkkp schrieb: gib der gruppe mal die rechte, auch wenn user den empfang von pn deaktiviert hat, sie senden zu dürfen.
hab ich auch schon versucht. der Bot kann alles was ich auch kann
Kann das Private Nachrichten-System nutzen
Kann Private Nachrichten versenden
Kann Private Nachrichten senden, auch wenn der Empfänger dies deaktiviert hat
Kann Private Nachrichten verfolgen
Kann PN-Empfangsbestätigungen ablehnen
Nachrichten-Quota (500)
Maximale Empfänger pro Nachricht (10)
"Gib jedem Tag die Chance, der schönste deines Lebens zu werden." - Mark Twain
Beiträge: 1.735
Themen: 232
Registriert seit: 12.02.2014
MyBB-Version: 1.8.x
18.09.2015, 18:23
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.09.2015, 18:25 von hkkp.)
dann mach mal primäre gruppe admin, manche plugins haben es nicht so mit selbst erstellten gruppen...
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Für etwaige Tipps, Vorschläge oder Anleitungen von mir gebe ich keine Gewähr. Die Durchführung erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr!
Beiträge: 80
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: 17.09.2015
MyBB-Version: 1.8.7
18.09.2015, 19:29
Thema hat sich gerade von "selbst" erledigt. musste (keine Ahnung warum) bei "Kann Benutzer-CP betreten" in den Einstellungen den Haken setzen.
Da muss man aber auch erst mal drauf kommen
"Gib jedem Tag die Chance, der schönste deines Lebens zu werden." - Mark Twain
Beiträge: 1.735
Themen: 232
Registriert seit: 12.02.2014
MyBB-Version: 1.8.x
normal, weil du kannst nur pn versenden, wenn du im ucp bist....
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Für etwaige Tipps, Vorschläge oder Anleitungen von mir gebe ich keine Gewähr. Die Durchführung erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr!
Beiträge: 82
Themen: 29
Registriert seit: 01.09.2015
Guten Tag!
Ich versuche gerade
dieses Plugin zu übersetzen und habe ein Problem. Ich hoffe hier kann mir einer helfen, sodass es Deutsch klingt.
/* Auflistung */
$l['mybot_title'] = "Titel";
$l['mybot_conditions'] = "Bedienung";
$l['mybot_conditions_user'] = "Mitglied";
$l['mybot_conditions_group'] = "Mitgliedergruppe";
$l['mybot_conditions_forum'] = "Forum";
$l['mybot_conditions_string'] = "String";
$l['mybot_conditions_string_reverse'] = "Reversed String";
$l['mybot_conditions_postlimit'] = "Below {1} Posts";
$l['mybot_conditions_prefix'] = "Prefix";
$l['mybot_actions'] = "Actions";
$l['mybot_actions_answer'] = "Answer";
$l['mybot_actions_move'] = "Move";
$l['mybot_actions_delete'] = "Delete";
$l['mybot_actions_softdelete'] = "Soft Delete";
$l['mybot_actions_stick'] = "Stick";
$l['mybot_actions_close'] = "Open/Close";
$l['mybot_actions_report'] = "Report";
$l['mybot_actions_approve'] = "(Un)approve";
$l['mybot_actions_pm'] = "Write PM";
Irgendwie komme ich auf keinen Nenner. Auch hier habe ich meine Probleme.
/* Documentation */
$l['mybot_variable'] = "Variable";
$l['mybot_description'] = "Description";
$l['mybot_global'] = "Global variables";
$l['mybot_doc_boardname'] = "The name of your Board";
$l['mybot_doc_botname'] = "The name of your bot";
$l['mybot_register'] = "Variables for registration";
$l['mybot_doc_registered'] = "The name of the new registered";
$l['mybot_doc_regid'] = "The ID of the new registered";
$l['mybot_birthday'] = "Variables for birthday";
$l['mybot_doc_birthday'] = "The name of the user who has birthday";
$l['mybot_doc_bid'] = "The ID of the user who has birthday";
$l['mybot_thread'] = "Variables for threads";
$l['mybot_doc_user'] = "The name of the poster";
$l['mybot_doc_userlink'] = "The name of the poster with MyCode Link to his profile";
$l['mybot_doc_subject'] = "The subject of the post";
$l['mybot_doc_id'] = "The internal ID of the post";
$l['mybot_doc_link'] = "MyCode link to the post. The subject is the text which is shown";
$l['mybot_doc_date'] = "Date of the post";
$l['mybot_doc_time'] = "Time of the post";
$l['mybot_doc_message'] = "The complete message of the post";
$l['mybot_doc_uid'] = "The User ID";
$l['mybot_doc_timestamp'] = "Timestamp of the post";
$l['mybot_doc_thread'] = "All variables for the last post are also available for the thread.<br />Example:<br />{lastpost->user} will replaced by the name of the user who have written the last post. {thread->user} will replaced by the name of the user who have written the first post";
$l['mybot_doc_forum'] = "The forum in which the thread is posted";
$l['mybot_doc_answers'] = "Number of answers";
$l['mybot_doc_views'] = "Number of views";
$l['mybot_doc_foundstring'] = "The first string found, if the corresponding function is used. The order is given here by the ACP";
/* Post as Bot */
$l['mybot_post_forum'] = "Forum";
$l['mybot_post_forum_desc'] = "In which forum should be posted?";
$l['mybot_post_forum_not'] = "Internal error [1]";
$l['mybot_post_subject'] = "Title";
$l['mybot_post_subject_desc'] = "The title of the thread";
$l['mybot_post_subject_not'] = "No title given";
$l['mybot_post_text'] = "Text";
$l['mybot_post_text_desc'] = "The post which should be post. MyCode and smileys are enabled. <br />Note: MyBot variables are not available here";
$l['mybot_post_text_not'] = "No text given";
$l['mybot_post_submit'] = "Submit post";
$l['mybot_post_category'] = "Your chosen forum is a category in which can't be posted.";
$l['mybot_post_inserted'] = "Post saved";
/* Add/Edit/Delete Rule */
$l['mybot_editrule'] = "Edit rule";
$l['mybot_add_title'] = "Title of the rule";
$l['mybot_add_title_desc'] = "Just needed for the listing";
$l['mybot_add_title_not'] = "Please enter a title";
$l['mybot_add_conditions'] = "Conditions";
$l['mybot_add_conditions_desc'] = "When should the rule be executed?<br />Use Crtl to select more than one condition";
$l['mybot_add_conditions_user'] = "If a specific user posts";
$l['mybot_add_conditions_group'] = "If a user in a specific usergroups posts";
$l['mybot_add_conditions_forum'] = "Just in specific forums";
$l['mybot_add_conditions_string'] = "If a specific string is in the message";
$l['mybot_add_conditions_postlimit'] = "Just below x Posts";
$l['mybot_add_conditions_prefix'] = "Just in threads with specific prefix";
$l['mybot_add_conditions_not'] = "Please select at least one condition";
$l['mybot_add_action'] = "Actions";
$l['mybot_add_action_desc'] = "What should the bot do?<br />Use Crtl to select more than one action";
$l['mybot_add_action_answer'] = "Answer";
$l['mybot_add_action_move'] = "Move thread";
$l['mybot_add_action_delete'] = "Delete post/thread";
$l['mybot_add_action_softdelete'] = "Soft Delete post/thread";
$l['mybot_add_action_stick'] = "Stick/Unstick thread";
$l['mybot_add_action_close'] = "Open/Close thread";
$l['mybot_add_action_report'] = "Report post";
$l['mybot_add_action_approve'] = "(Un)approve thread";
$l['mybot_add_action_pm'] = "Send PM";
$l['mybot_add_action_not'] = "Please select at least one action";
$l['thread_creator'] = "Thread Opener";
$l['mybot_add_user'] = "User";
$l['mybot_add_user_desc'] = "On what user should the bot react?";
$l['mybot_add_user_not'] = "Please select a user";
$l['mybot_add_group'] = "Usergroup";
$l['mybot_add_group_desc'] = "On what usergroup should the bot react?";
$l['mybot_add_group_not'] = "Please select a usergroup";
$l['mybot_add_forum'] = "Forum";
$l['mybot_add_forum_desc'] = "In which forum should the bot react?";
$l['mybot_add_forum_not'] = "Please select a forum";
$l['mybot_add_string'] = "String";
$l['mybot_add_string_desc'] = "Which string should appear in the post so the bot reacts?";
$l['mybot_add_string_not'] = "Please enter a string";
$l['mybot_add_string_reverse'] = "Reverse String?";
$l['mybot_add_string_reverse_desc'] = "The bot reacts when one of the string is NOT in the message";
$l['mybot_add_string_reverse_not'] = "Internal Error";
$l['mybot_add_postlimit'] = "Postlimit";
$l['mybot_add_postlimit_desc'] = "Until how many posts should the bot react?";
$l['mybot_add_postlimit_not'] = "Please enter a postlimit";
$l['mybot_add_prefix'] = "Prefix";
$l['mybot_add_prefix_desc'] = "On which prefixes should the bot react?";
$l['mybot_add_prefix_not'] = "Please select at least one prefix";
$l['mybot_add_answer'] = "Answer";
$l['mybot_add_answer_desc'] = "With what should the bot answer?<br />See the <a href=\"index.php?module=user-mybot&action=documentation\">documentation</a> for more information";
$l['mybot_add_answer_not'] = "Please enter an answer";
$l['mybot_add_move'] = "Move";
$l['mybot_add_move_desc'] = "Where should the thread be moved?";
$l['mybot_add_move_not'] = "Please select a forum where the thread should be moved";
$l['mybot_add_move_invalid'] = "You can't move a thread in this forum. Please select another";
$l['mybot_add_delete'] = "Delete";
$l['mybot_add_delete_desc'] = "Should the whole thread be deleted or just the last post?";
$l['mybot_add_delete_not'] = "Internal Error [1]";
$l['mybot_add_softdelete'] = "Soft Delete";
$l['mybot_add_softdelete_desc'] = "Should the whole thread be soft deleted or just the last post?";
$l['mybot_add_softdelete_not'] = "Internal Error [4]";
$l['thread'] = "Thread";
$l['post'] = "Post";
$l['mybot_add_report'] = "Report Reason";
$l['mybot_add_report_desc'] = "Enter a string which is saved as reason.";
$l['mybot_add_report_not'] = "Please enter a report reason.";
$l['mybot_add_approve'] = "(Un)approve";
$l['mybot_add_approve_desc'] = "Should this action impact only the last post or the whole thread?";
$l['mybot_add_approve_not'] = "Interner Fehler [2]";
$l['mybot_add_pm'] = "Private Message";
$l['mybot_add_pm_desc'] = "To whom should the message be sent?";
$l['mybot_add_pm_not'] = "Internal Error [3]";
$l['mybot_add_pm_last'] = "Last poster";
$l['mybot_add_pm_start'] = "Threadstarter";
$l['mybot_add_pm_other'] = "Other User";
$l['mybot_add_pm_user'] = "User";
$l['mybot_add_pm_user_desc'] = "To which user should the message be sent?";
$l['mybot_add_pm_user_not'] = "Please select a user";
$l['mybot_add_subject'] = "Subject";
$l['mybot_add_subject_desc'] = "Which subject should the message have?<br />See the <a href=\"index.php?module=user-mybot&action=documentation\">documentation</a> for more information";
$l['mybot_add_subject_not'] = "Please enter a subject";
$l['mybot_add_message'] = "Message";
$l['mybot_add_message_desc'] = "What should the bot write?<br />See the <a href=\"index.php?module=user-mybot&action=documentation\">documentation</a> for more information";
$l['mybot_add_message_not'] = "Please enter a message";
$l['mybot_add_added'] = "Added rule";
$l['mybot_add_edited'] = "Edited rule";
$l['mybot_delete_confirm'] = "Are you sure that you want to delete this rule?";
$l['mybot_delete_success'] = "Deleted rule";
/* Install Process */
$l['mybot_installing'] = "Install MyBot";
//$l['mybot_already_installed'] = "MyBot ist bereits installiert";
$l['mybot_create_user'] = "Create a new user";
$l['mybot_create_group'] = "Create a new group";
$l['mybot_user'] = "User";
$l['mybot_user_desc'] = "Which user should act as bot?";
$l['mybot_user_not'] = "Internal error [1]";
$l['mybot_username'] = "Username";
$l['mybot_username_desc'] = "How should the new user called?";
$l['mybot_username_not'] = "No username given";
$l['mybot_pw'] = "Password";
$l['mybot_pw_desc'] = "Please enter a password for the new User";
$l['mybot_pw_not'] = "No password given";
$l['mybot_email'] = "E-Mail";
$l['mybot_email_desc'] = "Please enter the e-mail for the new User";
$l['mybot_email_not'] = "No e-mail given";
$l['mybot_group'] = "Group";
$l['mybot_group_desc'] = "To which group should the new User belong?";
$l['mybot_group_not'] = "internal error [2]";
$l['mybot_groupname'] = "Groupname";
$l['mybot_groupname_desc'] = "How should the new group called?";
$l['mybot_groupname_not'] = "No groupname given";
$l['mybot_save'] = "Save";
$l['mybot_installed_group'] = "{1}<br />user \"{2}\" and group \"{3}\" added<br />Please edit this again";
$l['mybot_installed_user'] = "{1}<br />user \"{2}\" added<br />Please edit this again";
$l['mybot_installed'] = "MyBot has been successfully installed.";
$l['mybot_pl_missing'] = "The plugin depends on <a href=''>PluginLibrary</a>, which is missing. Please install it";
$l['mybot_pl_old'] = "The plugin depends on <a href=''>PluginLibrary</a>, which is too old. Please install a newer version (Version 8 or higher required)";
Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse für den Hugo und würde mich freuen, wenn mir einer hilft es zu Übersetzen.
Liebe Grüße.
Alessandro hat geantwortet!
Liebe Grüße!