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MyFacebook Connect
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: MyFacebook Connect


MyFacebook Connect
The missing (free) bridge MyBB <--> Facebook becomes real!
Have a look also at MyTwitter Connect, MFC's twin plugin to connect on MyBB with Twitter!

MyFacebook Connect is a plugin which lets you login and register through Facebook on any MyBB installation.

I've spent almost 1 month developing this plugin but it totally worth my efforts. With it, you can easily let your users register and login using their Facebook accounts: it differs from existing (both free and paid) plugins thanks to the provided PHP SDK and a lightweight integration. A must-have for almost every community and compatible with the latest MyBB releases!

As an admin, you can decide to use two different types of registration: Fast Registration lets you register through Facebook with only one click and one front-end redirect. This means that every user who would like to login into your board and he doesn't have a registered account will be registered and logged in with a single click of a button. If he has already an account registered, he'll be just logged in and his account will be linked to his Facebook one. If he have already an account and its already linked as well, he'll be just logged in.

With Fast Registration option disabled, every user who hasn't got a registered account and logs in with Facebook will be prompted to choose a new username and eventually an email address different from his Facebook one. By default, inputs will be filled with his existing Facebook data but they'll be able to choose whatever username and email they'll want. In addition to this they'll be asked to select what data to import from Facebook, respecting their privacy in a better way than the simple one-click registration process.

Thanks to all the guys who tested my plugin and thanks to all of them who will test my future versions.

Feature listing

At the moment, MyFacebook Connect comes with the following features:

  1. Connect any user to your MyBB installation with Facebook
  2. One-click login/registration: if Fast Registration setting is set to off, it will ask the user to choose an username from scratch and to decide what informations to import from Facebook
  3. Automatically synchronizes Facebook account data with MyBB account, including avatar, birthday and cover (if Profile Pictures plugin is installed)
  4. 6 dedicated settings that users can manage and change to whatever they like, controlling what data to sync with their Facebook accounts
  5. Existing users can link their Facebook accounts to their accounts on your board within their User Control Panel and with the click of a button, without necessarily create a new account from scratch (or ask admins to merge their accounts)
  6. 2 registration modes you can choose to use within your Admin Control Panel: One Click Registration (Fast) and Two Step Registration (More slowly, but fast anyway Blush)
  7. Sends a PM containing a randomly generated password to every Facebook-registered user
  8. Admins can decide to restrict registration to verified-only Facebook accounts to prevent spam and bots
  9. Redirects logged in/registered users to the same page they came from
  10. You can choose what usergroup to insert Facebook-registered users
  11. Works for all MyBB 1.6 installations and web servers thanks to the Facebook SDK provided in the package. It requires your server to be able to store cookies, but MyBB also requires this feature so if you can run MyBB you can run MyFacebook Connect
  12. It works
  13. It's free

Installation instructions

Read the official documentation on GitHub to know how to install MyFacebook Connect.

Configuration instructions

Read the extended documentation on GitHub to know how to configure MyFacebook Connect.


Read the changelog on GitHub.

Use an image instead of a button

Read the extended documentation on GitHub to know how to use an image instead of a button for Facebook login.

If you want to use a CSS button instead of an image you can read brad-t's instructions.

Update from any version to another

Read the specific page in the documentation on GitHub to know how to update from any MyFacebook Connect to another. This is as simple as clicking a button and you won't lose any data.

MyFacebook Connect is on GitHub! Contributes are always appreciated!

You can contribute, report issues and request a new feature publicly, I'll do my best to fix and add what you request there. You can reach the plugin at the following link: https://github.com/Shade-/MyFacebook-Connect

Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: MyFacebook Connect 1.0.1
Deisen Download gibt es nicht mehr
(29.04.2013, 14:04)forenschreck schrieb: Deisen Download gibt es nicht mehr

Natürlich gibt es den noch! Was sollen solche Beiträge denn? Augen auf beim Eierkauf und dann klappt das auch alles Toungue Big Grin
Es gab Ihn als ich den Post Geschriebe habe NICHT.
Ich schreibe sowas nicht Umsonst Wink
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: MyFacebook Connect 1.0.2
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: MyFacebook Connect 1.0.3
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: MyFacebook Connect 1.1
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: MyFacebook Connect 1.1.1
Ich habe plötzlich das Problem dass ich folgende Fehlermeldung erhalte:

An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.

Hab nichts geändert oder so, aber bis vor ca. 2 std hat es noch funktioniert

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