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Hidden BB Tag
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Hidden BB Tag


Name: Hidden Tag
Author: Bencori
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: 1.6.x
Description: Allow you users to hide text based on post count


This plugin will allow you users to use a new BBCode: [hide][/hide]

It works like this:

[hide=50]This text is hidden to users with less than 50 posts[/hide]

It's very simple. It comes with a few settings. You can set a minimum posts for users to use this tag, though you can also make certain usergroups bypass this limit (no post limitation to use the tag). You can also make some usergroups be allowed to see the hidden content, no matter their post count.

For more information, have a look at the screenshots.


[Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/34....thumb.png]

[Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/34....thumb.png]

[Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/34....thumb.png]

[Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/34....thumb.png]

[Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/34....thumb.png]


The xmlhttp.php script that comes with this plugin is MyBB's original script with one hook added on line 574, I couldn't find a better of hiding the content while using multi-quotes.
If you made modifications to your xmlhttp.php document, make sure to re-aply them to this one.
Langsam bekomme ich die Krise. Dieser Link funktioniert auch nimmer. Sad Hätte ich wohl besser vor ein paar Monaten die Plugins alle installieren sollen?

LG Torie

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