Beiträge: 7.041
Themen: 4.712
Registriert seit: 06.12.2006
15.12.2010, 18:01
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.08.2014, 09:53 von Bot.)
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Thumbs Post Rating
This plugin will add a thumbs up / thumbs down rating system on every individual posts. Just like the one on the YouTube comment.
- Non-obstructive AJAX (sends the rating and updates the result instantly without refreshing the page)
- Language file support
- Option to set which usergroup allowed to rate
- Option to set which forum to be excluded to have the post rating function
- Option to enable/disable self-rating
- Option to enable/disable undo rating
- Option to enable/disable rating in a closed thread
- Compatible with both normal and classic postbit
1. Extract the files inside the "Upload" folder of Thumbs Post Rating zip package.
2. Upload all the files extracted to the root of your forum directory.
3. Login to ACP, go to Configuration > Plugins.
4. Click "Install & Activate" next to the Thumbs Post Rating.
1. Login to ACP, go to Configuration > Plugins.
2. Click "Uninstall" next to the Thumbs Post Rating.
Upgrading from previous version:
1. Login to ACP, go to Configuration > Plugins.
2. Click "Deactivate" next to the Thumbs Post Rating.
3. Extract the files inside the "Upload" folder of Thumbs Post Rating zip package.
4. Upload all the files extracted to the root of your forum directory.
5. If required, choose to replace any old files.
6. Back to ACP Plugins section, click "Activate" next to the Thumbs Post Rating.
Version 1.3 fixed the bug that caused users with secondary usergroup unable to rate.
p/s: I'm still new to PHP and this is just my humble 2nd mod. Feedback at the MyBB community forum plugin section is very appreciated.
Beiträge: 68
Themen: 12
Registriert seit: 15.01.2012
05.02.2012, 00:48
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 05.02.2012, 01:46 von mattias.)
Hallo Leute,
kann es sein, dass das Plugin nicht mit MyBB 1.6.5 komptibel ist? Das letzte Update erschien als er noch kein MyBB 1.6.5 gab, von der englischen Plugin-Seite kann man aber entnehmen, dass es mit MyBB 1.6 funktionieren soll. Im englischen Supportthread hab ich auch noch niemanden mit dem selben Fehler gesehen und so richtig supportet wird das Plugin dort scheinbar nicht mehr.
Ich hab versucht das Plugin zu installieren, bekomme aber folgende Fehlermeldung:
Zitat:MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
SQL Error:
1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE = MYISAM' at line 8
Ich hab keine Ahnung was das bedeutet, aber der Fehler taucht auch bei einer frisch aufgesetzten MyBB 1.6.5 Installation auf. Könnte jemand bestätigen, dass das Plugin nicht mit MyBB 1.6.5 funktioniert?
EDIT: Ich habs mittlerweile auch mit einer frischen MyBB 1.6.4 Installation probiert, bekomme hier jedoch auch die selbe Fehlermeldung. Wie kann es denn sein, dass sonst niemand diese Fehlermeldung bekommen hat? Ich habs sowohl im Localhost als auch auf ein Webspace getestet.
EDIT2: Problem gelöst. Ich hab mir angesehen, wie andere Plugins geschrieben wurden und hab dann auf gut Glück in der Plugin-PHP-Datei "TYPE=MyISAM" in "ENGINE=MyISAM" geändert und schon lief es wie geschmiert. Könnte mir vielleicht noch jemand verraten, was es damit aufisich hatte? Wieso hat es mit TYPE bei allen außer mir funktioniert?
Beiträge: 25.777
Themen: 269
Registriert seit: 20.09.2005
(05.02.2012, 00:48)mattias schrieb: Wieso hat es mit TYPE bei allen außer mir funktioniert? Weil du wohl eine neuere MySQL-Version hast...
Bitte die Foren-Regeln beachten und im Profil die verwendete MyBB-Version angeben.
Beiträge: 68
Themen: 12
Registriert seit: 15.01.2012
Ah, daran liegst also. Dann schätze ich mal wurde das Plugin zu der Zeit geschrieben, als es noch keine MySQL-Version, die nur ENGINE unterstützt gab und der Autor einfach vergessen hat, das Plugin upzudaten oder mit einem entspechenden Hinweis zu versehen. Ich danke dir
Beiträge: 68
Themen: 12
Registriert seit: 15.01.2012
Und schon das nächste Problem.
Standardmäßig sieht die Box ja so aus:
Zahl ThumpsUp ThumpsDown Zahl
Der HTML-Code sieht so aus:
PHP-Code: <table class="tpr_box" id="tpr_stat_$pid"> <tr> <td class="tu_stat" id="tu_stat_$pid">$tu_no</td> <td>$tu_img</td> <td>$td_img</td> <td class="td_stat" id="td_stat_$pid">$td_no</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="small" colspan="4" > <span id="tpr_remove_$pid">$box_remove</span> $box_view </td> </tr> </table>
Nun wollte ich aber das ganze etwas anders anordnen, und zwar so:
ThumpsUp Zahl ThumpsDown Zahl
Ich hab den HTML-Code so geändert:
PHP-Code: <table class="tpr_box" id="tpr_stat_$pid"> <tr> <td>$tu_img</td> <td class="tu_stat" id="tu_stat_$pid">$tu_no</td> <td>$td_img</td> <td class="td_stat" id="td_stat_$pid">$td_no</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="small" colspan="4" > <span id="tpr_remove_$pid">$box_remove</span> $box_view </td> </tr> </table>
Und das auch auf den erstem Blick prima funktioniert. Nun taucht aber folgendes Problem auf:
Vergebe ich ein Like oder Dislike, ändert sich die Anordnung wieder zu der alten:
Zahl ThumpsUp ThumpsDown Zahl
Allerdings nur bis man die Seite neu lädt, dann sieht die Anordung wieder wie gewünscht aus.
Ich habe vergeblich versucht, dem ganzen auf die Spur zu kommen, haben viel mit der php und der Javascript-Datei rumprobiert, aber es hat nichts genützt.
Könnte mir vielleicht jemand sagen, wie man das Problem fixt? Ich hab mal den Inhalt der php Datei und der Javascript-Datei gepostet:
PHP-Code: <?php /** * Plugin : Thumbs Post Rating * Author : TY Yew * Version : 1.3 * Website : * Contact : * * This file is part of Thumbs Post Rating plugin for MyBB. * * Thumbs Post Rating plugin for MyBB is free software; you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Thumbs Post Rating plugin for MyBB is distributed in the hope that it * will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */
// No direct initiation if( !defined('IN_MYBB') ) { die('Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.'); }
// Add hooks $plugins->add_hook('global_start','tpr_global'); $plugins->add_hook('postbit','tpr_box'); $plugins->add_hook('xmlhttp','tpr_action'); $plugins->add_hook('class_moderation_delete_post','tpr_deletepost'); $plugins->add_hook('class_moderation_delete_thread_start','tpr_deletethread'); $plugins->add_hook('class_moderation_delete_thread','tpr_deletethread2');
// Plugin information function thumbspostrating_info() { global $lang; $lang->load('thumbspostrating');
return array( 'name' => $lang->tpr_info_name, 'description' => $lang->tpr_info_desc, 'website' => '', 'author' => 'TY Yew', 'authorsite' => '', 'version' => '1.3', 'guid' => '21de27b859c0095ec17f86f561fa3737', 'compatibility' => '14*,15*,16*' ); }
// Install function function thumbspostrating_install() { global $db;
@ignore_user_abort(true); @set_time_limit(600); $db->write_query('ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'posts ADD `thumbsup` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD `thumbsdown` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', true); $db->write_query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.TABLE_PREFIX.'thumbspostrating ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , pid INT NOT NULL , uid INT NOT NULL , thumbsup INT NOT NULL , thumbsdown INT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ) ENGINE=MyISAM' ); }
// Activate function function thumbspostrating_activate() { global $db, $lang; $lang->load('thumbspostrating');
require MYBB_ROOT.'/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit','#'.preg_quote('<div class="post_body" id="pid_{$post[\'pid\']}">').'#','<div class="float_right">{$post[\'tprdsp\']}</div><div class="post_body" id="pid_{$post[\'pid\']}">'); find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic','#'.preg_quote('{$post[\'message\']}').'#','<div class="float_right">{$post[\'tprdsp\']}</div>{$post[\'message\']}');
$tpr_setting_group_1 = array( 'name' => 'tpr_group', 'title' => $db->escape_string($lang->tpr_set_group_1_title), 'description' => $db->escape_string($lang->tpr_set_group_1_desc), 'disporder' => '38', 'isdefault' => 'no' ); $db->insert_query('settinggroups',$tpr_setting_group_1); $gid = $db->insert_id();
$disporder = 0; foreach(array( 'usergroups' => array('text', '2,3,4,6'), 'forums' => array('text', '0'), 'selfrate' => array('yesno', 1), 'undorate' => array('yesno', 1), 'closerate' => array('yesno', 1), ) as $name => $opts) { $lang_title = 'tpr_set_'.$name.'_title'; $lang_desc = 'tpr_set_'.$name.'_desc'; $db->insert_query('settings', array( 'name' => 'tpr_'.$name, 'title' => $db->escape_string($lang->$lang_title), 'description' => $db->escape_string($lang->$lang_desc), 'optionscode' => $opts[0], 'value' => $db->escape_string($opts[1]), 'disporder' => ++$disporder, 'gid' => $gid, )); }
rebuild_settings(); }
// Deactivate function function thumbspostrating_deactivate() { global $db;
$gid = $db->fetch_field($db->simple_select('settinggroups','gid','name="tpr_group"'),'gid'); if($gid) { $db->delete_query('settings','gid='.$gid); $db->delete_query('settinggroups','gid='.$gid); } rebuild_settings();
require MYBB_ROOT.'/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php'; find_replace_templatesets('postbit','#'.preg_quote('<div class="float_right">{$post[\'tprdsp\']}</div>').'#',''); find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic','#'.preg_quote('<div class="float_right">{$post[\'tprdsp\']}</div>').'#',''); }
// Is Installed function function thumbspostrating_is_installed() { global $db;
if($db->table_exists('thumbspostrating')) { return true; } return false; }
// Uninstall function function thumbspostrating_uninstall() { global $db;
@ignore_user_abort(true); @set_time_limit(600); $db->write_query('ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'posts DROP thumbsup, DROP thumbsdown', true); $db->write_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.TABLE_PREFIX.'thumbspostrating'); }
// Function - Load TPR template and style only in showthread.php function tpr_global() { if($GLOBALS['current_page'] != 'showthread.php') return; $GLOBALS['templatelist'] .= ',postbit_tpr'; }
// Function - Forum exclusion function tpr_forum($fidcheck) { global $mybb; $fidset =& $mybb->settings['tpr_forums']; if($fidset != 0) { foreach(array_map('trim', explode(',',$fidset)) as $fid) { if( $fid == $fidcheck ) { return false; } } } return true; }
// Function - Usergroup checking function grpchk($setting) { global $mybb; $user = $mybb->user;
$set = array_map('trim',explode(',',$mybb->settings['tpr_'.$setting]));
if($set != 0) { foreach($set as $grp) { if($grp == $user['usergroup']) { $result = true; } } }
if($user['additionalgroups']) { $addgrp = array_map('trim',explode(',',$user['additionalgroups'])); $com = array_intersect($addgrp, $set); if (!empty($com)) { $result = true; } }
if($result != true) return false;
return true; }
// Function - Check whether user can rate (Usergroup, Self rating, Closed thread) function tpr_canrate($postuid) { global $mybb;
$user =& $mybb->user;
// Guests if(!$user['uid']) return false;
// Usergroup permission if(!grpchk('usergroups')) return false;
// Self-rating if($postuid == $user['uid'] && $mybb->settings['tpr_selfrate'] == 1) return false;
// Rate close thread if($GLOBALS['thread']['closed'] && $mybb->settings['tpr_closerate'] != 1) return false;
return true; }
// Function - Display ratebox function tpr_box(&$post) { global $db, $mybb, $templates, $lang, $current_page, $box_view, $tprdsp;
$pid = (int) $post['pid']; $postuid = (int) $post['uid']; $uid = $mybb->user['uid']; $user = $mybb->user; $fid = $post['fid']; if(!$pid) return;
// Remove hook if forum is excluded from TPR if(!tpr_forum($post['fid'])) { global $plugins; $plugins->remove_hook('postbit', 'tpr_box'); return; }
// Stick in JS and CSS $GLOBALS['headerinclude'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$mybb->settings['bburl'].'/jscripts/thumbspostrating.js?ver=1600"></script><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$mybb->settings['bburl'].'/css/thumbspostrating.css" />';
// Build user rating cache static $done_init = false; static $user_ru = null; static $user_rd = null; if(!$done_init) { $done_init = true; $user_ru = array(); $user_rd = array(); if($current_page == 'showthread.php') { $lang->load('thumbspostrating'); // If user is not guest, check for user ratings if($mybb->user['uid']) { if($mybb->input['mode'] == 'threaded') { $query = $db->simple_select('thumbspostrating', 'pid,thumbsup,thumbsdown', 'uid='.$mybb->user['uid'].' AND pid='.(int)$mybb->input['pid']); } else { $query = $db->simple_select('thumbspostrating', 'pid,thumbsup,thumbsdown', 'uid='.$mybb->user['uid'].' AND '.$GLOBALS['pids']); } while($ttrate = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $user_ru[$ttrate['pid']] = $ttrate['thumbsup']; $user_rd[$ttrate['pid']] = $ttrate['thumbsdown']; }
$db->free_result($query); } } }
// If user already rated... if ($user_ru[$pid] == 1 xor $user_rd[$pid] == 1) { $userrated[$pid] = true; // Make thumbs for user who rated up if ($user_ru[$pid] == 1) { $tu_img = '<div class="tpr_thumb tu1"></div>'; $td_img = '<div class="tpr_thumb td0"></div>'; } // Make thumbs for user who rated down else { $tu_img = '<div class="tpr_thumb tu0"></div>'; $td_img = '<div class="tpr_thumb td1"></div>'; } } else { $userrated[$pid] = false; }
// Check whether the user can rate if (!tpr_canrate($postuid)) { $cantrate = true; }
$tu_url = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/xmlhttp.php?action=tpr&my_post_key='.$mybb->post_code.'&pid='.$pid.'&tu=1&td=0'; $td_url = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/xmlhttp.php?action=tpr&my_post_key='.$mybb->post_code.'&pid='.$pid.'&tu=0&td=1'; $un_url = $mybb->settings['bburl'].'/xmlhttp.php?action=tpr&my_post_key='.$mybb->post_code.'&pid='.$pid.'&tu=0&td=0';
// If user have not yet rated (correctly)... if ($userrated[$pid] != true) { // Fail-safe (force user who incorectly rated to be unable to rate) if (isset($user_ru[$pid]) || isset($user_rd[$pid])) { if ($user_ru[$pid] != 1 xor $user_rd[$pid] != 1) { return; } else { $cantrate = true; } }
// Make thumbs for user who cannot rate if ($cantrate == true) { $tu_img = '<div class="tpr_thumb tu0"></div>'; $td_img = '<div class="tpr_thumb td0"></div>'; } // Make thumbs for user who can rate else { $tu_img = '<a href='.$tu_url.' class="tpr_thumb tu2" title="'.$lang->tpr_rate_up.'" onclick="return thumbRate(1,0,'.$pid.')" ></a>'; $td_img = '<a href='.$td_url.' class="tpr_thumb td2" title="'.$lang->tpr_rate_down.'" onclick="return thumbRate(0,1,'.$pid.')" ></a>'; // Respect MyBB's wish to disable xmlhttp if($mybb->settings['use_xmlhttprequest'] == 0) { $tu_img = str_replace('onclick="return thumbRate', 'rel="', $tu_img); $td_img = str_replace('onclick="return thumbRate', 'rel="', $td_img); } } }
// Display number of thumbs $tu_no = $post['thumbsup']; $td_no = $post['thumbsdown'];
// Display undo rating? if($mybb->settings['tpr_undorate'] == 1 && $userrated[$pid] == true && !$cantrate) { $box_remove = '<a href='.$un_url.' onclick="return thumbRate(0,0,'.$pid.')" >'.$lang->tpr_undo_rate.'</a><br />';
// Respect MyBB's wish to disable xmlhttp if($mybb->settings['use_xmlhttprequest'] == 0) { $box_remove = str_replace('onclick="return thumbRate', 'rel="', $box_remove); } }
// Make the box $box = <<<BOX <table class="tpr_box" id="tpr_stat_$pid"> <tr> <td>$tu_img</td> <td class="tu_stat" id="tu_stat_$pid">$tu_no</td> <td>$td_img</td> <td class="td_stat" id="td_stat_$pid">$td_no</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="small" colspan="4" > <span id="tpr_remove_$pid">$box_remove</span> $box_view </td> </tr> </table> BOX;
$post['tprdsp'] = $box; }
// Function - Thumbs Action function tpr_action() { global $mybb, $db, $tid, $lang;
// Return if action is not TPR if ($mybb->input['action'] != 'tpr' ) return;
$uid = $mybb->user['uid']; $pid = (int)$mybb->input['pid']; $tu = (int)$mybb->input['tu']; $td = (int)$mybb->input['td']; $lang->load('thumbspostrating');
// Check whether the rating is valid if (($tu == 1 && $td == 0) || ($tu == 0 && $td == 1) || ($tu == 0 && $td == 0)) { // Check whether the post key is valid if (!verify_post_check($mybb->input['my_post_key'], true)) xmlhttp_error($lang->invalid_post_code); } else { xmlhttp_error($lang->tpr_error_invalid_rating); }
$post = get_post($pid); $thread = get_thread($post['tid']); $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($post['fid']);
// Check whether the post exist and is visible if(!$post['pid']) xmlhttp_error($lang->post_doesnt_exist); if(($thread['visible'] != 1 || $post['visible'] != 1) && !$ismod) xmlhttp_error($lang->post_doesnt_exist);
// Check whether the user can rate $postuid = (int) $post['uid']; if (!tpr_canrate($postuid)) xmlhttp_error($lang->tpr_error_cannot_rate); // Check whether the user can view the post if($forumpermissions['canview'] != 1 || $forumpermissions['canviewthreads'] != 1) xmlhttp_error($lang->post_doesnt_exist); if($forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $thread['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid']) xmlhttp_error($lang->post_doesnt_exist);
// Check whether the user has rated $rated = $db->fetch_array($db->simple_select('thumbspostrating','thumbsup,thumbsdown','uid='.$uid.' and pid='.$pid)); if(($rated['thumbsup'] == 1 || $rated['thumbsdown'] == 1) && ($tu == 1 || $td == 1)) xmlhttp_error($lang->tpr_error_already_rated);
// Action for user who rated thumbs up if($tu == 1 && $td == 0) { $insert_thumbs = array( 'thumbsup' => 1, 'uid' => $uid, 'pid' => $pid );
// Insert the data into database $db->insert_query('thumbspostrating',$insert_thumbs); $db->write_query('UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'posts SET thumbsup = thumbsup +1 WHERE pid='.$pid);
++$post['thumbsup']; } // Action for user who rated thumbs down elseif($tu == 0 && $td == 1) { $insert_thumbs = array( 'thumbsdown' => 1, 'uid' => $uid, 'pid' => $pid );
// Insert the data into database $db->insert_query('thumbspostrating',$insert_thumbs); $db->write_query('UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'posts SET thumbsdown = thumbsdown +1 WHERE pid='.$pid); ++$post['thumbsdown']; } // Action for user who undo rating elseif($tu == 0 && $td == 0) { if ($rated['thumbsup'] == 1) { $db->write_query('UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'posts SET thumbsup = thumbsup -1 WHERE pid='.$pid); --$post['thumbsup']; } elseif ($rated['thumbsdown'] == 1) { $db->write_query('UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'posts SET thumbsdown = thumbsdown -1 WHERE pid='.$pid); --$post['thumbsdown']; } else { return; }
$db->delete_query('thumbspostrating', 'uid='.$uid.' and pid='.$pid); } // Error if none of the above else { xmlhttp_error($lang->tpr_error_invalid_rating); }
// Feedback to the user if(!$mybb->input['ajax']) { header('Location: '.htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $post['tid'])).'#pid'.$pid); } else { // Push new values to client echo 'success||', $post['pid'], '||', (int)$post['thumbsup'], '||', (int)$post['thumbsdown']; // What user has just rated? if ($tu == 1 && $td == 0) { echo '||1'; } elseif ($tu == 0 && $td == 1) { echo '||-1'; } elseif ($tu == 0 && $td == 0) { echo '||0'; }
// Show undo rating if enabled if($mybb->settings['tpr_undorate'] == 1 && ($tu || $td) == 1) { echo '||show_undo'; }
// Remove undo rating if undone elseif($mybb->settings['tpr_undorate'] == 1 && ($tu && $td) == 0) { echo '||hide_undo'; } } }
// Function - Delete post function tpr_deletepost($pid) { global $db; $db->delete_query('thumbspostrating', 'pid='.$pid); }
// Function - Delete thread function tpr_deletethread($tid) { global $db, $tpr_pids; // grab pids, but only delete later $tpr_pids = ''; $query = $db->simple_select('posts', 'pid', 'tid='.$tid); while($pid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'pid')) $tpr_pids .= ($tpr_pids ? ',':'') . $pid; $db->free_result($query); }
// Function - Delete thread 2 function tpr_deletethread2($tid) { global $tpr_pids, $db; if(!$tpr_pids) return; $db->delete_query('thumbspostrating', 'pid IN ('.$tpr_pids.')'); $tpr_pids = ''; } ?>
PHP-Code: /** * Thumbs Post Rating 1.3 by TY Yew * thumbspostrating.js */
function thumbRate(tu,td,pid) { new Ajax.Request('xmlhttp.php?action=tpr&tu=' + tu + '&td=' + td + '&pid=' + pid + "&ajax=1&my_post_key=" + my_post_key,{onComplete:thumbResponse}); return false; }
function thumbResponse(request) { if(error = request.responseText.match(/<error>(.*)<\/error>/)) alert("An error occurred when rating the post.\n\n" + error[1]); else { response = request.responseText.split('||'); if(response[0] != 'success') alert("An unknown error occurred when rating the post."); else { var pid = parseInt(response[1]); var x=document.getElementById('tpr_stat_' + pid).rows[0].cells; if( response[4] == 1 ) { x[1].innerHTML = '<div class="tpr_thumb tu1"></div>'; x[2].innerHTML = '<div class="tpr_thumb td0"></div>'; } else if( response[4] == -1 ) { x[1].innerHTML = '<div class="tpr_thumb tu0"></div>'; x[2].innerHTML = '<div class="tpr_thumb td1"></div>'; } else if( response[4] == 0 ) { x[1].innerHTML = '<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" class="tpr_thumb tu2" title="Rate thumbs up" onclick="return thumbRate(1,0,' + pid + ')" ></a>'; x[2].innerHTML = '<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" class="tpr_thumb td2" title="Rate thumbs down" onclick="return thumbRate(0,1,' + pid + ')" ></a>'; } else { alert('Error: Invalid rating input.') }
x[0].innerHTML = parseInt(response[2]); x[3].innerHTML = parseInt(response[3]);
if(response[5] == 'show_undo') { document.getElementById('tpr_remove_' + pid).innerHTML = '<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" onclick="thumbRate(0,0,' + pid + ')" >Undo rating</a><br />'; }
if(response[5] == 'hide_undo') { document.getElementById('tpr_remove_' + pid).innerHTML = ''; } } } return false; }
Beiträge: 7.041
Themen: 4.712
Registriert seit: 06.12.2006
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: Thumbs Post Rating 1.3
Beiträge: 459
Themen: 101
Registriert seit: 30.10.2014
MyBB-Version: 1.8.x
Habe die Version von 1.6 zu 1.8 geändert, im Themplate "Postbit" eingebunden und wird nicht angezeigt.
Beiträge: 8.516
Themen: 59
Registriert seit: 20.04.2010
MyBB-Version: 1.8*
postbit TPL vor
Code: <div class="post_body scaleimages" id="pid_{$post['pid']}">
dies eintragen
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Beiträge: 459
Themen: 101
Registriert seit: 30.10.2014
MyBB-Version: 1.8.x
Ich weiß nicht genau, welches Themplate Du meinst. TPL?
Beiträge: 8.516
Themen: 59
Registriert seit: 20.04.2010
MyBB-Version: 1.8*
Steht doch da "postbit"
Mit freundlichen Grüßen