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Plugin Uploader
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Name: Plugin Uploader
Description: Allows you to import .zip plugin archives directly and have the files extracted to their correct locations automatically.
Website: http://mattrogowski.co.uk/mybb/plugins/p...n-uploader
Author: MattRogowski
Authorsite: http://mattrogowski.co.uk/mybb/
Version: 1.1.2
Compatibility: 1.6.x
Files: 4 (plus 1 optional core file edit)
Database changes: 1 new table, 1 new column to one table

This plugin will allow you to import a plugin .zip or .php file directly to the ACP and have the files moved to their correct locations.

For security, a password is required when uploading a plugin.

It will try and show you screenshots of the plugin if any have been provided.

If the plugin is from the MyBB Mods site, it will check that the version you are uploading is the latest version, and if it's not, will give you the download URL for the newer version.

Allows you to delete all the files for a plugin (if the plugin was uploaded with this plugin uploader).

Supports uploading an upgraded/newer version of a plugin, and supports renamed admin directories.

Offers not to upload non-PHP root files to save clutter.

To Install:
Upload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php to ./inc/plugins/
Upload ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php to ./admin/modules/config/
Upload ./inc/languages/english/admin/config_pluginuploader.lang.php to ./inc/languages/english/admin/
Create folder 'temp' in ./inc/plugins/ and CHMOD to 777.
Upload ./inc/plugins/temp/test.php to ./inc/plugins/temp/
Optional (but highly recommended) core file edit: Upload ./admin/modules/config/plugins.php to ./admin/modules/config/
Go to ACP > Plugins > Install and Activate
Go to ACP > Configuration > Plugins > Upload Plugin

Change Log:
27/11/10 - v0.1 -> Initial beta release.
02/12/10 - v0.1 -> v0.2 -> Fixed bug where you may have got a blank page or PHP error when installing the plugin. Fixed bug where the tab for the Plugin Uploader wouldn't show on the Sharepoint theme and some other ACP themes. Fixed bug where the plugins list would be broken if the plugin was deactivated. Fixed bug where you'd get a PHP error if the ZipArchive class is not available. Fixed bug where plugins could run on the page showing information about the plugin. Fixed bug where not all language files would be loaded for the page showing information about the plugin. Tweaked how list of files in the plugin package is collected and stored. Warning for deleting a plugin will now show which files will be deleted. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php, ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php, ./inc/languages/english/admin/config_pluginuploader.lang.php, and (optional core file edit) ./admin/modules/config/plugins.php
09/12/10 - v0.2 -> v0.3 -> Fixed bug were you'd get PHP errors on the plugins page if you have other plugins uploaded, but this is the first plugin you activated. Tweaked how it searches for the plugin file root. If the plugin is from the MyBB Mods site, it will now check the plugin version and tell you if it's out of date. Import page that shows information about the plugin will now try and find screenshots and display them as thumbnails on the information page. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php, ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php, and ./inc/languages/english/admin/config_pluginuploader.lang.php
09/12/10 - v0.3 -> v0.3.1 -> Fixed bug were you'd get PHP errors if the plugin had external files as the file path was wrong. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php and ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php
19/01/11 - v0.3.1 -> v0.4 -> Added a password check when uploading plugins. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php, ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php, and ./inc/languages/english/admin/config_pluginuploader.lang.php. More information on this is available here: http://mattrogowski.co.uk/plugins/thread-15.html
19/01/11 - v0.4 -> v0.4.1 -> Fixed a bug where choosing to activate a plugin after importing would redirect back to the plugin uploader page. Fixed a bug where you'd get an error saying the password was wrong after choosing to import the plugin. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php and ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php
07/02/11 - v0.4.1 -> v0.4.2 -> Fixed a bug where the custom plugin system class may be unavailable. Changed when the language files are temporarily uploaded in case the plugin file loads a language file outside of a function. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php and ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php
14/06/11 - v0.4.2 -> v1.0 -> Added the ability to store a cookie for the plugin uploader password to save having to upload it every time you upload a plugin. Added the ability to totally disable the password check. Added support for renamed admin directories. Added support to upload a single PHP file. Fixed a bug caused by a PHP peculiarity that would mean the plugin file couldn't be found. Added a check for if files have been uploaded with an owner of nobody. Made major improvements to how files are copied/moved, including connection via FTP to move the files. More information on this can be found here: http://mattrogowski.co.uk/mybb/thread-197.html To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php, ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php, ./inc/languages/english/admin/config_pluginuploader.lang.php, and upload ./inc/plugins/temp/test.php to ./inc/plugins/temp/
03/12/11 - v1.0 -> v1.0.1 -> Made compatible with MyBB 1.6.5. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php
27/05/12 - v1.0.1 -> v1.1 -> Plugins can now be imported from the MyBB Mods Site or via a URL. FTP details are no longer stored in a file, but are encrypted in the database or a cookie instead. Method of moving files has been improved. Plugin imports are now logged to the admin log. Usage stats can now be sent. If a readme was included with the plugin it will be shown on the plugin information page when importing. Fixed a bug where the cookie storing the password may store the wrong one. Made it easier to clear the password cookie. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php, ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php, ./inc/languages/english/admin/config_pluginuploader.lang.php and ./admin/modules/config/plugins.php (edited version of core file included with plugin).
27/05/12 - v1.1 -> v1.1.1 -> Fixed bug where loading a readme may cause an endless loop resulting in a PHP error. Fixed bug where readme file wouldn't be picked up if it had capital letters in the name. Fixed bug where readme wouldn't be shown when importing a new plugin. To upgrade, reupload ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php and ./inc/languages/english/admin/config_pluginuploader.lang.php
27/05/12 - v1.1.1 -> v1.1.2 -> The Plugin Uploader can now be upgraded via the Plugin Uploader. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/pluginuploader.php, ./admin/modules/config/pluginuploader.php and ./inc/languages/english/admin/config_pluginuploader.lang.php

[Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/13....thumb.png][Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/13....thumb.png][Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/13....thumb.png][Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/13....thumb.png][Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/13....thumb.png]
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: Plugin Uploader 1.1.2
So . ich nun wieder..
Dieses Plugin weigert sich richtig zu funktionieren.

Ich habe es nach der Anleitung hochgeladen und bin auf ein Problem dort gestoßen:
Die Datei in "test" lässt sich nicht hochladen - weder in den neuen Ordner temps - trotz richtiger Rechte.
Bei der Installation und Aktivierung des Plugins über das ACP erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung:

/var/www/web136852/html/shaustein/forum/inc/languages/deutsch_sie/admin/config_pluginuploader.lang.php does not exist

Wo finde ich diese Datei zum download, damit ich sie hochladen kann?

Ich könnte zwar Plugins auch ohne diesen Uploader downloaden und auf den Server laden, aber bequemer ist dieses schon.
Steht ja alles in der readme drinne was zu tun ist und ganz logisch ist natürlich auch das die Sprachfiles aus dem english Ordner in deine deutsch_du und deutsch_sie auch gehören. Wenn Du in deinem Forum deutsch anbietest als Forensparache, müssen auch von all deinen Plugins die Sprachpakete für das deutasch vorhanden sein, sofern die Plugins welche benötigen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Tja- ich habe die Erweiterung von Euch - und darin ist leider nur das englische Sprachpaket enthalten.
Ich glaube man kann mit Registrierung auch weitere Sprachpakete dafür bekommen..aber, warum man sich dafür registrieren muss...

Ich hatte das ursprünglich auch drauf.. ich muss mal sehen, wo ich das wieder finde..müsste ja noch im Paket
der Installationsversion auf der Festplatte sein, oder?
Standard bei Plugins die von der englischen Seite kommen, meisten auch nur in englisch. Daher zur not diese in die deutschen mit rein kopieren und oder sie sich übersetzen.

Und es gibt da nur noch dies in persischer Sprache (+ die englische natürlich)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

guter Tipp - ich probiers - wenn es dann nicht klappt - gebe ich das Plugin auf- und nimm den Umweg über Ft-Manager in Kauf.

Ich meine natürlich den, die englische mit in die deutsche kopieren - persisch spreche ich leider nicht - würde mich auch keiner verstehen, nicht?
Also von diesem Plugin verabschiede ich mich, ich kriege die Datei unter "....Test..index.php" nicht in den eigens dafür installierten Ordner "temps" Die lässt sich nicht installieren.
Aber es geht ja auch so, nicht?

Also ist das hier erledigt.

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