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Simplistic Style 1.0
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Simplistic Style 1.0

Zitat:Simplistic Style 1.0
Author: FirefoxWiz
Status: Released
Version 1.0

A Quick, but simple, red and blue theme.
No new images, just color changes.

Installation Instructions:
1. download and unzip Simplistic Style.zip
2. Go to your forums Admin CP > Themes > Import
3. Find the theme's .xml file and import it.
4. Now you may view it by going to User CP > Edit Options > Board Style > Simplistic Style

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  Simplistic Red Ranks MyBB.de Bot 0 1.521 01.01.2013, 11:15
Letzter Beitrag: MyBB.de Bot