Hallo, Gast! (Registrieren)

Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

Benutzer, die gerade dieses Thema anschauen: 1 Gast/Gäste
Fehler bei PN wenn Thema gelöscht/verschoben/umbennant
Warning: fopen(./moderation.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/www/web/html/forum/inc/plugins/apmemd.php on line 212

MyBB Fehler

Could not open file!

Bitte helfen. Danke.


Fragen kostet nix, keine Fragen stellen kann Zeit kosten :-)
Für die Dateien moderation.php und inc/functions.php muß chmod 777 eingestellt sein!

Mod Name: Automatic PM on Move/Rename/Delete Thread
-> The topic starter will automatically receive a PM when his topic gets moved, renamed or deleted.
Author: Smethead (smethead@msgplus.net)
Version: 1.0.21 (January 31st, 2006)
Website: http://www.smethead.tk
Works on: MyBB 1.02 (January 12th, 2006)
Included Files:
By installing this mod or using any of the files, you agree that you do so at your own risk.
Any damage done to your server/forum/business as a result of this mod should not be blamed on the author of this mod or the administrator of this website.
You may not re-destribute, or sell off this mod in any form or size without my written permission.
Thanks to MenthiX for the idea ;)
•Topic starters will receive a PM when the subject of one of their topics gets changed by an admin/moderator.
•Topic starters will receive a PM when one of their topics has been moved to an other location by an admin/moderator.
•Topic starters will receive a PM when one of their topics has been deleted by an admin/moderator.
•You can set the subject and the message of the PMs via the Board Settings.
•It has a sort of language support because you can translate the PM subjects and messages.
•The plugin has a Backup feature to backup your settings.
1. Extract all files to a specific folder on your hard drive.
2. Upload apmemd.php to your forum/inc/plugins/ directory.
3. CHmod ./inc/functions.php to 777 (UNIX/Linux servers).
4. CHmod ./moderation.php to 777 (UNIX/Linux servers).
5. Go to your AdminCP and browse to Board Settings >> Plugin Manager.
6. Activate 'Automatic PM on Move/Rename/Delete Thread'
7. (OPTIONAL) Browse to Board Settings >> Change >> 'Automatic PM on Move/Rename/Delete Thread Settings' and change the settings to your likings.
8. You're done, thanks for downloading this plugin.
Automatic PM on Move/Rename/Delete Thread © 2006 Smethead, All Rights Reserved

The User, Formerly Known As "En-Gedi"
Danke für die Hilfe, jetzt ist ein neues Problem aufgetreten, es sind die Einstellungen gleich 3mal sichtbar und es kommen keine PNs an.

Bitte helfen. Danke.
Fragen kostet nix, keine Fragen stellen kann Zeit kosten :-)
Bitte deaktiviere das Plugin und führe folgende Queries über phpMyAdmin aus:
DELETE FROM mybb_settings WHERE name IN ('apmemd_on_edit', 'apmemd_on_move', 'apmemd_on_delete', 'apmemd_edit_message', 'apmemd_move_message', 'apmemd_delete_message', 'apmemd_backups', 'apmemd_edit_subject', 'apmemd_move_subject', 'apmemd_delete_subject');
DELETE FROM mybb_settinggroups WHERE name='PN wenn Thema gelöscht/verschoben/umbennant - Einstellungen';
Ggf. müsst du den Präfix ändern.

Aktiviere das Plugin danach und gucke, ob der Fehler behoben ist.

[Bild: banner.png]
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