03.05.2023, 16:05
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.01.2025, 16:15 von MyBB.de Bot.)
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Post Content Restricted
Zitat:Post Content Restricted
Restrict the content of posts from guest view in all forums except the ones you choose to keep public. Guests will still be able to see these boards and the thread listing within them but when they open the thread it will give them the "No Permissions" error.
- This plugin was built on MyBB version 1.8.33 but should work well with any 1.8 versions.
- I do not offer support for free plugins.
- Upload the content of the Upload folder into your forum home directory.
- Navigate to your Admin CP -> Configuration -> Plugins.
- Click "Install & Activate" next to the plugin's information.
- Navigate to Admin CP -> Configuration -> Settings, scroll to bottom of page and find this plugins settings group.
- Set the forums to ignore (if any).
Tips/Donations: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw7v3feaccXfYsdQQ
For plugin errors/issues please create an issue report on GitHub.