11.04.2023, 15:20
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.02.2025, 18:45 von MyBB.de Bot.)
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: RT Disposable Mails (Ban Disposable/Spam via API)
Zitat:RT Disposable Mails
is a plugin which checks an external API to retrieve filtered spam mails and saves them into cache. Then check based on settings if user can login/register Over 200k banned domains!
- MyBB 1.8.x
- https://github.com/frostschutz/MyBB-PluginLibrary (>= 13)
- PHP >= 7.4.0 (Preferred 8.0 or above)
- Using strict typing declaration.
- Select API provider to use for Disposable/Spam mails source
- Set time when task will run (in days)
- Log actions of used blacklisted emails
- Statistic page
- Option to disable forum for users while task is running.
- Prevent users with disposable mail to register
- Prevent users with disposable mail to login (If login method is set via mail)
#🎉 Contribute
Want to help with contributing new spam providers to the api list? Post it by clicking here.
- Copy the directories from the plugin inside your root MyBB installation.
- Settings for the plugin are located in the "Plugin Settings" tab.
- Deactivate the plugin.
- Replace the plugin files with the new files.
- Activate the plugin again.
- Uninstall the plugin from your plugin manager.
- Optional: Delete all the RT Disposable Mails plugin files from your MyBB folder.
#Feature request
Open a new idea by clicking here