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Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: ForumsIcons

Icons in the forums
Author: Edson Ordaz
Submitted: 23rd December 2010
Last Updated: 27th April 2011

* 11/29/2016 - Updated to version 1.2 for MyBB 1.8.x usage by: vintagedaddyo initially  in regards to: https://community.mybb.com/thread-133620.html ** forgot to add to mods site until now

* 03/14/2018 - Updated to version 1.3 for MyBB 1.8.x usage by: vintagedaddyo

* 04/8/2018 - Updated to version 1.4 for MyBB 1.8.x usage by: vintagedaddyo


ForumsIcons allows you to put image icons to the forums!

from admin panel > forums & posts > Forum Icons enter and set up icons for your forums!

which is functioning properly to create a folder in your root of your forum called


and ready ForumsIcons enjoy!


ForumsIcons lo que hace es poner iconos a los foros!

desde panel de administracion-foros y mensajes ingresa a forumsicons y ahi configura y sube los iconos para tus foros!

para que fucione correctamente crea una carpeta en tu raiz de tu foro llamada


y listo disfruta ForumsIcons!

Included Language files:

German (informal)
English UK



* also note: If you are using forumsicons plugin with this https://community.mybb.com/mods.php?acti...w&pid=1259 (fa4) or this https://community.mybb.com/mods.php?action=view&pid=909 (fa5), you must install ForumsIcons plugin first before installing either version of the myfontawesomeicons plugin!

* also note: Some users claim that this plugin only works on the default theme and that is false. The reason some themes may sem to not work is because some custom themes may have custom forumbit templates and those need to be reverted to default forumbit_depth1_cat, forumbit_depth2_forum, etc, before plugin install. Also why there is a note above about using the fontawesome plugin with this plugin as well one would need to install this first before any such fa plugin install
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: ForumsIcons 1.3
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: ForumsIcons 1.4

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