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Project HoneyPot for MyBB
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Project HoneyPot for MyBB

Zitat:Project HoneyPot for MyBB

This MyBB plugin integrates Project HoneyPot into MyBB.

- Prevent users who hit a threat score threshold from registering on your forums.
- Ability to view full history logs in the 'Admin Control Panel'.

Currently, this plugin requires you to have a Project HoneyPot access key (which is free!).


Firstly, you will need to get an access key from Project HoneyPot.
1. Head over to Project HoneyPot and create an account.
2. Next, you will need to go to the "Manage HTTP Blacklist" page and generate a http:BL access key.

Now that you have an access you, you can install this plugin.
1. Merging all the folders and files in the "UPLOAD" directory to your root directory of your MyBB installation. This process should notoverride any existing files.
2. After installing this plugin, head over to your MyBB "Admin Control Panel" and navigate to "Configuration" -> "Plugins". On this page, you should see the "Project HoneyPot for MyBB" under the "Inactive Plugins" list. Click "Install & Activate".
3. Now, head back to the "Configuration" page and scroll to the bottom of the page to find the "Project HoneyPot" settings under "Plugin Settings". On this page you will need to enter your access key; you can also configure your threat level threshold on this page too.


If you have entered a valid access key and threat level, this plugin will automatically prevent any users who hit your threat level threshold from registering on your forums.

You can see all of this plugins activities on the Project HoneyPot logs, which are located under "Tools & Maintenance", in the "Logs" sub-menu.

Below you can find a list of answered questions which you may find useful. If you have a question which isn't answered here, please don't hesitate to contact me.

  1. What is the threat level/score and what does the number represent?
The threat score is calculated based on the activities of that user on previous sites (such as spamming, harvesting and phishing).

 Project HoneyPot provides these ranges to help bring the threat score into perspective:
  • Threat Score 25 (or above): Equivalent to 100 Spam messages.

  • Threat Score 50 (or above): Equivalent to 10,000 Spam messages.

  • Threat Score 75 (or above): Equivalent to 1,000,000 Spam messages.
Users that are flagged as 'suspicious' with a low threat score are usually robots and don't cause any harm. Therefore, on Project HonetPot's website, they recommend you experiment with the threat level to find a range which fits your website best.

You can find more information about the threat scoring on Project HoneyPots website.


- Project HoneyPot - https://www.projecthoneypot.org
- MyBB - https://mybb.com
- Jamie Sage - https://www.jamiesage.co.uk
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: Project HoneyPot for MyBB 0.2.1
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: Project HoneyPot for MyBB 1.0

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