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Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: MyFontAwesomeIcons FA5

Zitat:MyFontAwesomeIcons (Font awesome 5)

Lets you implement custom Font-Awesome 5 icons for your forums.

Created by Ethan DeLong & Vintagedaddyo

This is a highly modified version of the plugin: MyForumIcons - Custom Forum Icons by Ethan DeLong

Specifically modified by Vintagedaddyo for Font-Awesome 5 implementation after several user requests for something of the sort.

This will allow you to add custom Font-Awesome 5 icons for your forums.

You can specify a css name to your forum's custom font-awesome icon by going to the ACP => Forum Management => Edit Forum.

Current localization support:


What is new in version 1.2?

- updated css to reflect the past lock to close change
- Font Awesome upgrade from 4.7 to FA5
- input changed from previous example: fa-comments to fas, far, fab for example: fas fa-comments or far fa-comments or fab fa-discord etc, etc.

To Install:

1) Upload The Files, And Go to Admin CP And Activate it!

2) Edit Index template:

Home » Template Sets » Default Templates » Edit Template: index



<dl class="forum_legend smalltext">
<dt><span class="forum_status forum_on" title="{$lang->new_posts}"></span></dt>

<dt><span class="forum_status forum_off" title="{$lang->no_new_posts}"></span></dt>

<dt><span class="forum_status forum_offclose" title="{$lang->forum_closed}"></span></dt>

<dt><span class="forum_status forum_offlink" title="{$lang->forum_redirect}"></span></dt>
<br class="clear" />
replace with:


<dl class="forum_legend smalltext">
   <dt><div class="forum_status forum_on" title="{$lang->new_posts}"><i class="fas fa-comments"></i></div></dt>

   <dt><div class="forum_status forum_off" title="{$lang->no_new_posts}"><i class="fas fa-comments"></i></div></dt>

   <dt><div class="forum_status forum_offclose" title="{$lang->forum_closed}"><i class="fas fa-lock"></i></div></dt>

   <dt><div class="forum_status forum_offlink" title="{$lang->forum_redirect}"><i class="fas fa-link"></i></div></dt>
<br class="clear" />
- this is required because I removed the old template insertion for index as it was no longer functioning and it is now decided with fa5 that it may be easier for the end user to edit the index template with code provided as then you can specify for fa icon in index legend say for example: fas fa-comments, fas fa-lock, fas fa-link. Or for example: far fa-comments, far fa-lock, far fa-link, etc etc. 

3) Go to forums Management Edit Forum Settings and edit each forum with your specific Font Awesome Icon.

The CSS name for the font awesome icon. For example: fas fa-comments

You can specify a css name to your forum's custom font-awesome icon by going to the ACP => Forum Management => Edit Forum.

* note: If you are using this with https://community.mybb.com/mods.php?action=view&pid=916 install it first!



Final note for existing themes that have font-awesome already installed:
If your theme has custom formbit template modifications ie: forumbit_depth2_cat, forumbit_depth2_forum, forumbit_depth3_statusicon you will need to revert those templates to default before installing the plugin and also remove any other font-awesome include say for example in headerinclude if already present in the theme. if you don't revert them you would have to manually insert the plugin calls.

mainly what you need to find is where to add the plugin calls for example:

In forumbit_depth2_forum & forumbit_depth2_cat & forumbit_depth3_statusicon you would find:


And add this after:

<i class="{$forum['myfontawesomeicon']}"></i>
In headerinclude template you would also need to make sure that after:

There is the following include:

<link href="{$mybb->asset_url}/inc/plugins/myfontawesomeicons/font-awesome-5/css/all.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

And that your font awesome include in that template or wherever it is included is commented
<!-- -->
 out so as to avoid version conflicts.
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: MyFontAwesomeIcons 1.1
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: MyFontAwesomeIcons 1.2

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  MyFontAwesomeIcons FA4 MyBB.de Bot 0 1.532 05.05.2019, 05:40
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