12.09.2017, 18:20
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.02.2025, 18:00 von MyBB.de Bot.)
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Random Events
Zitat:Random Events
Randomly reply to threads with customized messages!
- Configure the user ID of the account used to post random events
- Choose which forums and usergroups you want to be eligible for random events
- Choose how frequent you want random events to be posted
- Define your own random events -- supports MyCode/BBCode!
- Simply copy inc/plugins/randomevents.php to your site's inc/plugins folder.
- Then install and activate the plugin via your Admin CP.
- Configure the settings to your desire via Admin CP > Configuration > Random Events Settings.
- A random number is generated every time a user posts. If this number meets the frequency setting, further checks will be made to determine if
- The post is in an eligible forum, per the settings
- The user is in an eligible usergroup, per the settings
- A second random number is then generated to choose a random event from the settings.
- A post is then generated at TIME_NOW+1—that is, one millisecond after the original post is created.