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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

Benutzer, die gerade dieses Thema anschauen: 2 Gast/Gäste
MyBB 1.20 Showthread.php Lastpost Problem :S
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İndex Page showthread.php lastpost problem please help Sad
Do you use the right encoding on your site or did you change the encoding? If it does not work please post the issue in the bug forum in the english community as this is a german speaking board.

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Michael schrieb:Do you use the right encoding on your site or did you change the encoding? If it does not work please post the issue in the bug forum in the english community as this is a german speaking board.

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  Problem bei Showthread 12dc12 5 2.280 17.05.2008, 11:35
Letzter Beitrag: StefanT