01.09.2006, 19:21
ich habe eine Frage zum portal.
Meine idee ist es eine Box zu erstellen für mein webradio.
Ich habe folgende daten:
Player popup
Put the following javascript code inside the header section of your HTML page:
<script language='JavaScript1.2' src='http://www.audiorealm.com/player/player.js.html?srefID=115159&subscription=no'></script>
Then put this html into the page to launch the player from a link:
<a href='javascript:player(63466,-1)'>Listen now!</a>
Station popup
Put the following javascript code inside the header section of your HTML page:
<script language='JavaScript1.2' src='http://www.audiorealm.com/station/station.js.html?srefID=$station.memberID'></script>
Then put this html into the page to launch the station info box from a link:
<a href='javascript:stationinfo(63466)'>Station info</a>
das waers
jemand eine Idee wie ich das integrieren könnte?

Meine idee ist es eine Box zu erstellen für mein webradio.
Ich habe folgende daten:
Player popup
Put the following javascript code inside the header section of your HTML page:
<script language='JavaScript1.2' src='http://www.audiorealm.com/player/player.js.html?srefID=115159&subscription=no'></script>
Then put this html into the page to launch the player from a link:
<a href='javascript:player(63466,-1)'>Listen now!</a>
Station popup
Put the following javascript code inside the header section of your HTML page:
<script language='JavaScript1.2' src='http://www.audiorealm.com/station/station.js.html?srefID=$station.memberID'></script>
Then put this html into the page to launch the station info box from a link:
<a href='javascript:stationinfo(63466)'>Station info</a>
das waers

wer gute "alte" 70er Musik mag ist hier richtig:
Kraut/Deutschrock, Psychedelic und Progressive Rock
Kraut/Deutschrock, Psychedelic und Progressive Rock