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MK's Woody Badges
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: MK's Woody Badges

Zitat:MK's Woody Badges is an Elegantly styled badges for any forum. It derives its name as it is given a wood look-alike finish. It is suitable for any forum and with the PSD INCLUDED, you can edit it to make any further badges to match the groups on your forums.

You are free to use it and edit it as you like. But redistributing it for commercial purposes is strongly prohibited.

[Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/60....thumb.png]

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  KT Badges MyBB.de Bot 0 1.149 02.10.2016, 05:15
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  Phoenix's Rank badges MyBB.de Bot 0 1.280 21.12.2015, 11:00
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  MyBB Badges Like TTG MyBB.de Bot 0 1.295 27.10.2014, 14:51
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Letzter Beitrag: MyBB.de Bot