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Are You A Human
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Are You A Human

Zitat:Author: Pratik Unadkat.
Author site: -
License: Mentioned below.

Description: An advance verification game captcha to stop many spam registrations.

NOTE: I CANNOT answer to reviews. For any problems, bugs or issues, feel free to report in below thread:



Finally, put an end to bogus spam registrations automated by bots, which are not even block-able by captcha's or email verifications. I saw this today and immediately thought that such a system has not been built for MyBB yet and this can stop many spam registrations. Hence, I immediately started working over integrating it with MyBB with the base code and files provided by areyouahuman.com .

The functioning is very simple. This adds an extra layer of protection in registrations in addition to captcha (dual protection). When you click on submit registration, you are provided with a simple game challenge (see demo video) which after completing accepts the registration.

There is no way to bypass this, even if you click close button once pressing the submit button, the registrations does not get processed, the form is not submitted without completing the challenge.

The plugin comes with language support.

Demo Video

Here's a quick demo showing how the plugin works:


Installation instructions:

1. Unzip the archive.
2. Upload ayah.lang.php found inside inc/languages/ folder in the zip to ./inc/languages/ directory of your server.
3. Upload ayah.php inside the inc/plugins/ folder which we just extracted now to (root)./inc/plugins directory of your website's server.
4. Upload ayah folder inside the inc/plugins/ folder which we just extracted now to (root)./inc/plugins directory of your website's server.
4. Go to ACP > Plugins and activate it.
5. Next, proceed to ACP > Settings > Configuration and find Are You A Human settings and configure them.

Note: By default, the plugin is in "OFF" mode, you need to enable it from the settings mentioned above.

Setting Up:

Before you may start using this plugin, you need to register an account over AYAH website:


Upon registration, you will require to add a site in their system for which you wish to have this plugin enabled. After it's done, navigate to your dashboard and grab values of Publisher Key & Scoring Key and set them both in the 'Are You A Human' plugin settings.

This should do now, give yourself a try.


Anyone who have downloaded this, the below but not limited to rules applies to them:

1. Not distributed under GNU/GPL.
2. You may modify the codes or plugin for your personal use but cannot claim it to be own or remodify and sell or reproduce under any cirumstances.
3. Free to edit for personal use but not allowed to distribute the plugin by modifying any codes.
4. Note, all applicable license for base code still applies and is protected by areyouahuman.com . The above license is stated for the use of plugin.
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: Are You A Human 1.1

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  Are you a human captcha MyBB.de Bot 0 1.190 04.07.2013, 17:55
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