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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

Benutzer, die gerade dieses Thema anschauen: 1 Gast/Gäste
Thread titles and links in Next Newest/Oldest
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Thread titles and links in Next Newest/Oldest

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Plugin Info:
Name: TTINNO - Thread Titles (and static links) in Next Newest/Oldest
Description: A plugin to show thread titles and link statically to those threads in Next Newest/Next Oldest.
Author: Polarbear541
Version: 1.1
Compatibility: 1.6.x
Files: 1 (1 plugin file)
There are no database changes in this plugin.
There is one template change to the showthread template

This plugin allows you to include a thread title next to the next newest/next oldest links. It also allows you to link to those threads statically rather than through showthread.php if you wish.

Install Instructions:
Upload ./inc/plugins/ttinno.php to ./inc/plugins/
Go to ACP > Plugins > Install & Activate
Then the Next Newest/Oldest links at the bottom of a thread will contain a thread title. Disable static links if you wish in the settings.

Update Instructions (1.0 -> 1.1):
Uninstall the old version by going to ACP > Plugins > Uninstall
Upload the new plugin ./inc/plugins/ttinno.php to ./inc/plugins/
Install the new version by going to ACP > Plugins > Install & Activate
Disable static links if you wish in the settings.
Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: Thread titles and links in Next Newest/Oldest 1.1

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