01.01.2013, 10:50
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.08.2014, 09:54 von MyBB.de Bot.)
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: BotScout for MyBB
Zitat:BotScout API implementation for MyBB
Adapted from "General Use PHP Code for BotScout.com API"
See http://www.botscout.com/code.htm for original code
See http://www.botscout.com/api.htm for API documentation
Adapted for MyBB by Jimmy Peña, http://www.shiptrackaddin.com
1. Register for a BotScout API key at http://www.botscout.com/getkey.htm
2. Open BotScoutForMyBB.php
3. In between 'CONFIGURATION START' and 'CONFIGURATION END', insert your API key, email address and email sender. Decide how you want the plugin to operate and configure the options accordingly.
4. Find "STEP 5" at the bottom of the code and decide how you want to handle spam registrations. The existing code shows a phony error message. You could also redirect to a honeypot, show another message, write the info to a database, etc.
5. Upload BotScoutForMyBB.php to inc\plugins
6. Go to your MyBB Admin Control Panel >> Configuration >> Plugins and activate "BotScout for MyBB".
7. Try to register as a spammer by going to http://www.botscout.com/last.htm and grabbing a username and email. Fill out your forum's registration and verify that it is stopped using whatever method you chose in step 3 above.