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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

Benutzer, die gerade dieses Thema anschauen: 1 Gast/Gäste
Report To Thread
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Report To Thread

Zitat:Archive Size: 16kb
Plugin Size: 6kb
Zipped Files: 5
Licsense: GNU GPL v3

To install Report To Thread on your MyBB board, upload ./inc/plugins/reportthread.php
to /inc/plugins/ in your forums' root directory. The click "install & activate" from
the Admin CP, the plugins can be found under Configuration -> Plugins.

Report To Thread has 2 settings, a yes/no option for enabling or disabling
the plugin, and a text entry for the Forum ID to choose which forum the threads
will be posted to.

To disable the plugin click "Deactivate" in the Admin CP, to completely remove
the plugin and and all of it's database modifications click Uninstall and then
delete reportthread.php from your /inc/plugins/ folder.

When a post is reported, if the plugin is enabled a new thread will be created under the specified forum ID (can be changed under the plugin's settings in the Admin CP) by the user who reported the post containing a bit of information about the report such as the reason, the thread's link, the forum in which the thread is located and the posts contents at time of being reported.

This plugin will NOT override the reports in the Moderator CP or the unread reports notification on the board index, they are completely separate. This plugin is merely designed to automatically create a discussion thread so staff may collaborate about the report and decide what course of action to take.

  • Plugin development started, the base code for installing/activating added.

  • Code to post new threads when a report is made added and is functional.

  • Bugfix update; the "Original Thread" and "Forum" links in the plugin-
    posted discussion thread will now display as they should and have the
    correct links to ther respective places with the correct names.

  • Bugfix update; When the discussion thread was posted the "Original Post"
    quote would be a quote of the reporter rather than the owner of the reported
    post as it should be.

[Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/44....thumb.jpg][Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/44....thumb.jpg]
Gibt es bei diesem Plugin die Möglichkeit das ein festgelegter User eventuell die gemeldeten Beiträgen im Forum als Thema erstellt? Also, wie kann man das am besten hinkriegen?
Du müsstest in der Plugin-Datei (Funktion reportthread_dopost) vermutlich
durch eine fest User-ID ersetzen. Auch
wäre dann vermutlich ebenso anzupassen.
viele Grüße
übersetzte und eigene Plugins

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  MyBB Report-To-Thread MyBB.de Bot 7 2.247 17.01.2023, 00:50
Letzter Beitrag: MyBB.de Bot