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Open Links in Current Window
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Open Links in Current Window

Name: Open Links in Current Window
Description: A plugin which forces all links to open in the current window.
Author: Fábio Maia
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: 1.4.x, 1.6.x

1. Upload /inc/plugins/olcw.php to /inc/plugins.
2. Go to your Admin Control Panel.
3. Go to the Configuration menu
4. Go to the Plugins sub-menu.
5. Activate the Open Links in Current Window plugin.

This plugin and my other plugins are developed on my free time and released for free as well! If you find my plugin useful and want to make a donation, it is greatly appreciated because donations allow me to continue working on my plugins and release them for free. Thank you!


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