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Tapatalk Plugin for MyBB 1.4
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Tapatalk Plugin for MyBB 1.4

Zitat:** Over 16000 forums installed!! Now supports MyBB 1.4 and 1.6!**

[Bild: http://tapatalk.com/resources/images/tip..._rated.png]
TipB 5 Stars Review: http://www.tipb.com/2010/09/28/tapatalk-...pp-review/

YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWnkYF72nLE

What is Tapatalk?

Tapatalk is a MyBB mod that allows your users to browse your forum using a native mobile application. Tapatalk supports iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, webOS and Windows Phone 7. It provides super-fast access to your forum and allows your members to participate more in your forum while on the go.

Why Tapatalk?

  • Only one MOD installation to support all mobile devices including iPhone, Android, WebOS, Windows Phone 7, BlackBerry and Nokia.
  • Forum API - build your own app or server-side integration with well-documented Tapatalk API, enjoy quality forum app from third-party developers, beyond what Tapatalk internal team can offer.
  • Well-tested. This MOD has been installed in over 16,000 forums, including some of the very large forums with 2 million members with over 10,000 online users. This app is designed to scale
  • Tapatalk allows you to put your sponsored banner into the app so you don't lose potential revenue **NEW**
  • Analytics support - you get too see how many users are accessing your forum from the Tapatalk app

Installation Instruction:

Installation is easy. It does not change any of your forum settings or overwrite any
of your existing forum code and configuration. Simply follow the procedure below:

Step 1

Create yourself an account at http://www.tapatalk.com/plugin.php. Once you have logged in
to the website, you can download the largest version. If you are not sure you are
using the latest version. Download a new one from
http://www.tapatalk.com/download.php. You can follow the rest of the instruction
from tapatalk.com onward if you want. Otherwise read on:

Step 2

Upload the zip package at the root of your forum system.
Unzip the package. You should see a directory called "mobiquo" inside your forum
system root directory. For example, if your forum URL is http://www.mysite.com/forum,
it should be placed at http://www.mysite.com/forum/mobiquo/.

Step 3

Login to Administration Control Panel (Admin CP) in your server.
Choose "Plugin" under "Quick Access" section.
Click "Activate" in your current template
Click "Install & Activate".

Step 4

Visit http://www.tapatalk.com/addforum.php to enter your forum URL and upload you forum
logo there. It will allow end-user to find his way to your forum using the Tapatalk

Step 5

Visit http://www.tapatalk.com/plugin.php to confirm the setup so you can select
whether you want to publish your site to the public listing or you want to set it up
so it is complete private to other end users.
ist das plugin mit mybb 1.6 auch noch kompatibel oder gibt es eine neue version?
[Bild: BT_hor.jpg]
Wenn man dieser Aussage auf mods/mybb.com glauben mag.....
Zitat:**Over 16000 forums installed!! Now supports MyBB 1.4 and 1.6!**
siehe http://mods.mybb.com/view/tapatalk-plugin-for-mybb-1-4
viele Grüße
übersetzte und eigene Plugins
Was habe ich falsch gemacht, habe das Plagin für Tapatalkt geladen, alle Einstellungen vorgenommen
trotztem kommt auf Tapatalk folgende Fehlermeldung, vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen, danke
Tapatalk Plugin is either not installed or installed correctly. Retry Help Need More Help
Error message: Not Installed: Cannot detect http://www.ullis-camperstube.com/mobiquo/mobiquo.php Check this file existence and try again.
Die Fehlermeldung sagt eigentlich schon einiges aus. Entweder ist Tapatalk gar nicht oder nicht korrekt installiert.

Abgesehen davon, wenn Du MyBB 1.6.X verwendest, dann solltest Du vermutlich auch die 1.6er Version von Tapatalk verwenden. Hier ist der Thread dazu: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-25910.html
viele Grüße
übersetzte und eigene Plugins
Hab ich gemacht selber Fehler, wo muss ich diese mobiquo Datei oder deren inhalt laden?
Das steht doch hier genau beschrieben!? Siehe "Step 2"...
viele Grüße
übersetzte und eigene Plugins
Danke für eure Hilfe habs hinbekommen

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  Tapatalk Plugin for MyBB 1.6 MyBB.de Bot 37 13.008 20.11.2016, 19:53
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