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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

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MyBB Maskottchen gesucht
Da Englisch für den Posten benötigt wird, ist eine Übersetzung wohl unnötig: Toungue
Zitat:We are pleased to announce that MyBB has decided to develop an official mascot which will be used for a variety of purposes including promoting MyBB and on possible official MyBB merchandise.

As a result, the MyBB Group is in search for a great creative artist “doodler” who can help sketch and design the MyBB Mascot. The artist must have the creative ability to not only sketch the mascot, but be able to make a high resolution digital copy of the sketch(s). The artist must have the ability to work with a team and have the time to bring the MyBB Mascot to life. In addition, the artist must be willing to assign all copyright for their work to the MyBB Group.

Although this is a volunteer position and will not be a permanent position on the team, their are benefits to joining:
  • The artist will gain access to a specific private forum on the MyBB Community
  • The artist will receive an official team badge
  • The artist will receive due credit on the MyBB Wiki pertaining to the mascot created

If you think you might be the one to fulfill this position, or if you have an inquiry regarding the position, do get in touch at the following email address: imad.jomaa@mybb.com. Be sure to provide some samples of your work, both sketches and digital copies of the sketches. In addition, be sure to provide some background information about yourself, and any other information you feel necessary to share.

If you do not receive a direct response from the MyBB Group it doesn’t mean we haven’t received your application, rather, because we receive many applications, we cannot reply to each one individually. Applications sent in the form of private messages on the community forum will not be evaluated or considered.

Thank you for your time, and best of luck for those that apply.
Quelle: Recruiting Creative Doodler von Imad Jomaa
[Bild: banner.png]

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