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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

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Hide Section
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Hide Section

Zitat:Hide Section
by: BleepyEvans
Copyright 2011 CyberTechForums.com


License Information:

Links to http://www.cybertechforums.com must remain unless
branding free option is purchased.



This plugin hides customized sections from groups such as guests. You have the option to hide something in the header, index, or a combination of the 3.

You could hide messages that you may only wish guests to see, example: Login to access all features etc

Text doesnt have to used, you could hide advertisements from guests and only show them to registered users etc.

The posibilities are endless.


1. Upload inc/plugins/hidesection.php to forumroot/inc/plugins/
2. Activate Plugin in the plugins menu in the AdminCP.
3. Change settings in the configuration tab in the settings menu.
4. Test, Check
5. If you want to move the sections, then open the templates and find {Shidesection_<section-name>}
6. Enjoy.

Note: A code to create a table is included in the download, but tables dont have to be used, it can just be plain text or images.
To create a table, paste this code into the textarea in the admincp.


For support check out http://www.cybertechforums.com


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  Hide Section MyBB.de Bot 1 1.266 11.02.2012, 12:15
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