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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

Benutzer, die gerade dieses Thema anschauen: 1 Gast/Gäste
Thank You/Like System
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Danke/Mag ich System --deutsch--

Zitat:Ich werde die Orginale Beschreibung dieses Plugin´s übernehmen, denn es ist meiner Meinung nach selbsterklärend.

/* */
/* Thank You/Like System v1.3 by -G33K - */
/* MyBB v1.4/v1.6 Plugin */
/* */

Change Log:

Version 1.5
- Fixed CSRF vulnerability
- Fixed issue with stats when thanks were over 1000

Version 1.4
- MySQL > 5.5 compatibility and some database collation changes.
- Moved the Thanks Given/Received block in the postbits to templates so it can be easily customized
- Changed cleanup_json function name to avoid conflict with other plugins with the same function
- Changed the uninstall procedure, now user has to upload tyl_unlock file to uninstall and remove all the data, a warning is shown on the plugin page if tyl_unlock file is found letting the user know that uninstalling will delete the data from the database
- Added Paypal donate button which will only show in the plugin list if it is activated. Donations are appreciated Wink

Version 1.3.1
- Fixed spinner hanging when using Like

Version 1.3
- Fixed issues with MyBB v1.6.3 and the new prototype version that comes with it
- Backward compatible with 1.4 now: Fixed the issue with the search on 1.4
- Added Online Activity to the search page, no more Unknown Location
- Removed the uninstaller. Now if you want to completely remove the thanks including the data from the database, you'll need to edit the plugin file and uncomment the lines in the Uninstall function, otherwise only settings and template edits are removed.
- Improvements: Huge reduction in SQL queries, Better template editing, Settings do not get removed on deactivation
- Other minor bug fixes.

Version 1.2
- Compatibility with MyBB v1.6
- Bug fixes: SQL error on plugin activation on some systems, W3C Validation, member_profile not getting edited properly on some systems, spinner hanging on some systems with Internet Explorer, incorrect date/time on search pages when sorting
- Thankyou/Like buttons now fallback to the default english buttons if it can't find the correct language/theme button for thanks/like

Version 1.1
- Added Thanks/Likes Received count and displaying both Thanks/Likes Given and received in postbit user details and member profile
- Fixed AJAX caching issue with IE browsers where Thanking/Liking the same post and removing continuously resulted in the browser using cached ajax results thus giving irrelevant updates.
- Fixed postbit user details in PM, Announcement and Preview to properly parse the user details and not show %%TYL_NUMTHANKEDLIKED%%.
- Changed behaviour of the Thanks/Like button for guests. Now if a guest clicks on Thanks/Like button they are taken to the login page and after successfully logging in the thanks/like is processed. Previously it just gave a message that guest can not add Thanks/Likes.
- Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.0
- Initial Release


I. Description
II. Features
III. Install
IV. Upgrade
V. Uninstall
VI. More Information

Thank You/Like System enables users to "Thank" or "Like" posts thus showing their appreciation for a post without necessarily having to bump the thread. This plugin is completely customizable where nearly every aspect of the plugin can be controlled from the settings page. Take a look at the screenshots or the live demo for more info on the available options and usability.

- Turn plugin on/off with a single option.
- Switch between "Thank You" or "Like" by changing one simple option.
- Thank Yous/Likes are fully ajax compatible.
- Customize Thank Yous/Likes for first post of thread only or for all posts.
- Selectable option to allow/disallow users from removing their Thank Yous/Likes
- Exclude forums where you do not want to use the Thank Yous/Likes system.
- Plugin tracks number of Thank Yous/Likes for users, posts and threads as well as a grand total.
- Shows Thank Yous/Likes in postbit as well as the user's profile.
- Counts both the Thanks/Likes given as well as the Thanks/Likes received and the number of posts received in.
- Finds all threads or posts Thanked/Liked by any particular user as well as threads or posts where a user received thanks/Likes.
- Thank Yous/Likes list can be made to collapse saving space for boards where threads/posts get alot of Thank Yous/Likes.
- Sort the Thank Yous/Likes by username or by order of Date/Time Thanked/Liked
- Show/Hide Date/Time of Thank You/Like and also set the format of the Date/Time
- Works for all modes of views, classic, modern, linear, threaded.
- Thank Yous/Likes can be recounted and rebuilt if they get out of sync for any reason.
- Format list of users who have Thanked/Liked according to their display groups or just keep it plain.

- Unzip/Unrar and upload ALL the files in the Upload folder to their respective folders.
The files are:
* /thankyoulike.php
* /tylsearch.php
* /admin/modules/tools/thankyoulike_recount.php
* /images/english/postbit_l_add.gif
* /images/english/postbit_l_add.gif
* /images/english/postbit_ty_add.gif
* /images/english/postbit_ty_add.gif
* /inc/languages/english/thankyoulike.lang.php
* /inc/languages/english/tools_thankyoulike_recount.lang.php
* /inc/plugins/thankyoulike.php
* /jscripts/thankyoulike.js

- Install and Activate the plugin from the Admin Panel, Plugins section.
- Configure the options to suit your needs on the settings page of the plugin.

- Make a note of the plugin settings and any custom template changes you made.
- Deactivate old version
- Upload new files overwriting where necessary. (Some servers don't work well with overwriting, in those cases its better to just delete the old files and upload the new ones)
- Refresh the Plugins page. You should now see the Plugin showing the current version. You should also see "Install and Activate" under the controls.
- Install and activate the plugin. Go to settings change settings to your requirements.
- VERY IMPORTANT: Recount and Rebuild the Thank You/Like data using the Recount/Rebuild Link on the plugin page or by going to AdminCP>Tools>Recount Thank You/Like. You need to do this in order to synchronize the data since this plugin adds new features and data that were previously not there.
- If you had any custom modifications to the templates, Check the templates.
- Done!

The regular Uninstall in the admincp will only remove the templates and settings, it will NOT remove the database tables that hold all the data for the thanks/likes. This is by design to protect users from accidentally loosing all their thank you/like data.
If you want to completely remove the plugin including all the data in the database and the tables that this plugin added then you need to upload an empty file named "tyl_unlock" to the forum's root then go ahead and uninstall it as usual from the Admincp and the plugin will be completely uninstalled.

Incase the Uninstall option is not there (possible if you already tried uninstalling before uploading the tyl_unlock file) then just install first and immediately uninstall.

This section is for those who want to know more about the plugin, specifically which templates the plugin changes and new ones that it offers. Users who are using a customized template and are not satisfied with the default layout that the plugin provides may want to look in this section on how to customize the plugin and which templates to edit.

Templates Added:

Template containing The block with the list of users who have Thanked/Liked a post for the default view.
Template containing The block with the list of users who have Thanked/Liked a post for the classic view.
Template For the Expand/Collapse image which Expands/Collapses the block of Thank Yous/Likes
Template for the button to add Thank You/Like. If you do not want to use an image, change it to text here.
Template for the button to delete Thank You/Like. If you do not want to use an image, change it to text here.
Template for the list of users who have Thanked/Liked a post
Template for the block of Thanks Given/Thanks Received in the postbit
Template for the section added to user's profile which shows the number of Thank Yous/Likes stats.

Templates Changed:

Show Thread Templates>showthread
Changes to include the jscript for the plugin.
Post Bit Templates>potbit
Changes to include the Add/Remove Thank You/Like button and the block for the Thank Yous/Likes for the default view.
Post Bit Templates>postbit_classic
Changes to include the Add/Remove Thank You/Like button and the block for the Thank Yous/Likes for the classic view.
Post Bit Templates>postbit_author_user
Changes to include the number of user's Thank Yous/Likes in the postbit stats of the user.
Member Templates>member_profile
Changes to include the section in user's profile to show Thank Yous/Likes stats.

Recounting and Rebuilding the Thank You/Like stats:
If for any reason your stats seem off you can recount the Thank Yous/Likes. Doing so will remove any orphaned Thank Yous/Likes and recount them for each user and post. Orphaned Thank Yous/Likes are those that might have been left behind on a post or user being deleted by not using the mod interface (like directly from the databse for example).

- Permissions for if a user can Thank/Like a post is dependant on whether they can post in that thread or not. Guests, however can never thank/like a post regardless of guest post option.
- Obviously, the post opener will not be able to Thank/Like the post.
- Deleting a thread/post will remove all its related Thank Yous/Likes and reduce the count for the users who have Thanked/Liked that thread/post.
- Merging posts will merge the Thank Yous/Likes too removing duplicates and updating counts.
- Deleting a user will remove all the user's Thank Yous/Likes from all the posts.
- If you move a thread to a forum that has been set to exclude Thank Yous/likes it will not show any Thank Yous/likes and will not allow adding/removing any Thank Yous/Likes while in that forum. The Thank Yous/Likes will however be preserved so that they will be visible again if the thread is moved out of the excluded forum.
- To customize the postbit block, you can use the following variables:
$post['tyl_unumtyls']: Number of thanks given
$post['tyl_unumrtyls']: This is fully formatted string (xx in yy posts)
$post['tyl_unumrcvtyls']: Number of thanks received
$post['tyl_unumptyls']: Number of posts in which the thanks were received

Laut Entwickler ist es für die Versionen 1.4.x und 1.6.x Kompatibel.

ich habe heute den Thank you Mod installiert:
allerdings wird die Grafik im Forum nicht angezeigt =(
Woran kann das liegen ?
Danke shconmal im vorraus!

Bitte poste ins passenden Thema!
Die Grafiken aus dem Ordner /images/english musst du natürlich auch in den Ordner deiner Spache kopieren.
[Bild: banner.png]

Bitte die Foren-Regeln beachten und im Profil die verwendete MyBB-Version angeben.
Schade das es in Englisch gehalten ist, und es keine deutsche Übersetzung gibt.
Ist es möglich, einzustellen, dass sich Gäste und nicht aktivierte User grundsätzlich nicht bedanken können?
Zitat:Guests, however can never thank/like a post regardless of guest post option.
Demnach sollte das automatisch so sein.
viele Grüße
übersetzte und eigene Plugins
Ach, so, sehr gut.
Und die Spoilers, die man nur nach dem Bedanken sieht, welchen MyCode muss man dafür verwenden, für den Spoiler?
Das geht ohne MYCode. Es wird über das Template thankyoulike_expcollapse gesteuert bzw. danach mittels Javascript umgesetzt.
viele Grüße
übersetzte und eigene Plugins
Ach so, ich hatte die Funktion etwas falsch verstanden.
Ich suche nach einer Funktion, die es ermöglicht, einen Spoiler einzubauen, den man nur nach dem Bedanken sehen kann, Gäste sich aber nicht bedanken können.
Wie bzw. wo entferne ich wie oft sich derjenige bedankt hat ? Ich möchte nur, dass in den Benutzerinformationen im Thread steht, wieviele Danksaugungen derjenige hat.

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