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Browser Update (http://browser-update.org)
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Browser Update (http://browser-update.org)

Zitat:Visitors with out-dated browser will be informed by a little,
undisturbing bar, that his browser is not up-to-date and it is recommended
to update.

This service is an opportunity to inform your visitors unobtrusively to switch to a newer browser.

Many internet users are still using very old, out-dated browsers – most of them for no actual reason.
Switching to an newer browser is better for them and for you as a webdesigner.

By clicking the bar, he will get to an info page with arguments why to change/update and some browser choices.
If the visitor ignores the advice, it won't appear again for some time.
Source: http://browser-update.org/

### How to install ###

1. Upload the contents of the folder "browserupdate/upload" into the root directory of your forum.
After that you can activate the plugin in the plugin manager.
LOL die Readme.txt ist die verkehrte Big Grin

Das ist eine Beschreibung für Ajax WIO Reloader.

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