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Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: MyProtection

Zitat:MyProtection was developed by Pirata Nervo.
Copyright: © 2009-2010 Pirata Nervo
Website: http://www.consoleaddicted.com
License: GPLv3
Description: This plugin enhances your forum security and prevents data loss.

Here's a rule you should ALWAYS follow if you use this plugin: never tell anyone that you have this plugin activated.
Anyway, MyProtection displays a fake 404 Error page which looks exactly like the real one in order to cheat anyone that tries to access inc/plugins/myprotection.php directly.

Take a look at the readme in order to understand exactly how MyProtection should be configured and how it works.

In general, MyProtection checks if there's something wrong with admin accounts (like missing admin accounts, extra admin accounts, etc), the email set in myprotection.php (you set the email) will be automatically emailed and a backup of the database is made - check the readme to know where - and the board is closed (not the usual way. If the board is closed by MyProtection, there is no way to access the board/admin cp unless you change the close board setting to 0 - read the readme for more information) if the setting is set to 1.

MyProtection's settings are defined in inc/plugins/myprotection.php, thus only those with access to an FTP account can change them.

Read the readme carefully before activating the plugin or you might end up with a closed board - you can open it by editing the plugin of course.

You must configure the plugin before activating it.

Yes, your board will be slower (a few microseconds) as MyProtection has to run a few queries in order to check if everything's okay - just like every plugin, right?

This was tested a lot of times today on my localhost and on my live server with various setting values to make sure everything works fine.

Report any bugs you may find please!

Thank you Smile
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Eine neue Version wurde veröffentlicht: MyProtection 1.4

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