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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

Benutzer, die gerade dieses Thema anschauen: 1 Gast/Gäste
Disable Who's Online Page for Non-staff
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Disable Who's Online Page for Non-staff

Zitat:The MyBB "Can view who's online" permission for user groups globally enables or disables the ability to view lists of online users - this includes both the listing on the index page of the forums and the full "Who's Online" page.

Some administrators may desire the ability to disallow access to the full "Who's Online" page showing user locations and last activity times for normal users whilst still allowing them to view the simple listing provided on the forum index.

This plugin provides this functionality: Only users who are moderators or administrators will be able to view the full version of the online users listing - everyone else will see a "No Permission" error message.

Installation is as simple as uploading the plugin file to your inc/plugins/ directory and then enabling it via the Admin CP.
zur Info: Dieses Plugin ist auch mit 1.4 kompatibel (s. http://community.mybboard.net/thread-240...#pid162598). Läuft bei mir erfolgreich.

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