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Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Rainbow

Zitat:Rainbow Theme v1.0

MyBB Themes Team Creation
By: FirefoxWiz

English Button Set by FirefoxWiz Big Grin

Theme Design Group: MyBBThemes Team
At: http://mybbthemes.8ez.com/

Rainbow is a dreamy type theme designed for a girl's forum. Uses pastel colors of the rainbow.
Zip contains XCF's of a small button, big button, and xsmall button for GIMP users.

Installation Instructions:
1. Upload the included images to your ./images directory

2. In the Admin CP import the included theme XML file

3. View it in your User CP

4. Now have fun with your forum!

Live Preview @ http://www.cuxe.com/
(Use quick theme changer and change to Rainbow)


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  Rainbow button set MyBB.de Bot 0 1.561 10.09.2007, 13:59
Letzter Beitrag: MyBB.de Bot