Hallo, Gast! (Registrieren)

Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

Benutzer, die gerade dieses Thema anschauen: 1 Gast/Gäste
Google Analytics 1.0
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Google Analytics 1.0

Zitat:Plugin Name: Google Analytics for MyBB
Plugin Author: Jesse Labrocca
Plugin Website: http://www.MybbCentral.com
Plugin Version: 1.0
Plugin Mybb Compatibility: 1.2x
Plugin File Edits: None
Plugin File Uploads: 1
Plugin Description: This plugin allows for simple placement of Google

Analytics which is an excellent statistics program provided free to anyone
with an Adwords account.


1. Upload 1 file from the zip


2. Login to your admincp and ACTIVATE the plugin (Google Analytics) in the
plugin manager.

3. You will see the new setting called "Google Analytics" in admincp
settings area.

4. Enter into the settings your Analytics code in the format of
"UA-xxxxxx-x" which you will get from the Analytics site. You will replace
the X's with your own number.

Thank you.

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Letzter Beitrag: MyBB.de Bot
  GooAna - Google Analytics MyBB.de Bot 1 1.791 01.11.2012, 22:49
Letzter Beitrag: Rally
  Google Analytics MyBB.de Bot 8 5.029 06.01.2010, 16:57
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  Thor's Google Analytics Easy Embed MyBB.de Bot 1 2.427 19.03.2009, 19:39
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  Google Analytics Code Easy Embed MyBB.de Bot 8 4.558 18.03.2009, 19:56
Letzter Beitrag: Alex76