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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

Benutzer, die gerade dieses Thema anschauen: 1 Gast/Gäste
Banned Users Page
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Banned Users Page

Zitat:Installation Instructions

1. Upload "banpage.php" to the "inc/plugins/" directory

2. Upload "showbans.php" to your MyBB root directory (where showthread.php is).

3. Login to the AdminCP and navigate to "Plugin Manager" on the sidebar. Click "Activate".

4. A "Ban Page" link should appear in the header. If it does not, you will have to create a link to "http://yourboard.com/showbans.php" yourself. Most of the top links are in the "header" template for most themes, so take a look there!

Upgrade Instructions

1. Login to the AdminCP and navigate to "Plugin Manager" on the sidebar. Click "Deactivate" on the old plugin.

2. Delete "banpage.php" and "showbans.php" from "inc/plugins" and the MyBB root directory. You can also overwrite them, but deleting ensures you have a fresh version.

3. Upload the new versions of both files to where the old ones were. Read the Installation Instructions if you can't remember!

4. Login to the AdminCP and navigate to "Plugin Manager" on the sidebar. Click "Activate".

5. Read step 4 of the Installation Instructions above!

6. There is no step 6.


* Fixed the blank page bug (thanks to LeX- from the MyBB forums!)
* Added a small footer to the bottom of the list explaining what the plugin does.
* Fixed the permanent-ban bug (where if a ban was permanent, the lift date would show "31st December 69"
* Cleaned up showbans.php's code
* Added two bits into the showbans.php file. Both of these are small, so I didn't see the point in making a template for each of them Wink
* Some other changes that I might've forgotten...

Known Bugs

None during testing.

If you come across bugs, please e-mail me at "UberMensch@TheShadys.co.uk". If you've fixed them, please explain how they were fixed! You'll be credited Big Grin

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