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Restrict Names and Titles
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Restrict Names and Titles

Zitat:License is GNU/GPL attached inside the folder.

Plugin Name: Restrict NT (names and titles)
Plugin Author: Jesse Labrocca
Plugin Website: http://www.MybbCentral.com
Plugin Version: 1.1
Plugin Mybb Compatibility: 1.2x
Plugin File Edits: None
Plugin File Uploads: 1
Plugin Description: With this plugin you can restrict certain custom usertitles and signup usernames.


1. Upload 1 file from the zip


2. Login to your admincp and ACTIVATE the plugin (Restrict Names and titles) in the plugin manager.

3. (optional) You may edit or add the restricted names in the array itself. Be careful to keep syntax or you may break your signup and usercp. You can edit the file to add names without deactivating the plugin or you can edit/add names before you activate it.

Currently this is version 1.0.

Any suggestions on how to improve this plugin are welcome.

I can be reached at either http://community.mybboard.net or http://www.mybbcentral.com as username LABROCCA

Thank you.
Jesse Labrocca


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