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Easy Bad Word Install
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Easy Bad Word Install

Zitat:License is GNU/GPL attached inside extras folder.

Plugin Name: Easy Bad Word Install
Plugin Author: Jesse Labrocca
Plugin Website: http://www.MybbCentral.com
Plugin Version: 1.0
Plugin Mybb Compatibility: 1.2x
Plugin File Edits: None
Plugin File Uploads: 1
Plugin Description: This is a very quick way to install 40 bad words into the censor all at once.


1. Upload the file install_badwords.php into your mybb ROOT directory.

2. Go to the file via the browser i.e. http://www.domain.com/mybb/install_badwords.php (it should install at this point and print out each word and a completed at the bottom.

3. Remove the file from your server as you will not need it again.

CAUTION: Do not run the script more than once as it will repeat the process and double up in the database. If you do this simple TRUNCATE the mybb_badwords table with phpmyadmin and start over. This will NOT effect any existing badwords you may have installed.

OPTIONAL: You can add more words by editing the file. You may also edit the word replacement. It's currently set for "[censored]".

I can be reached at http://www.mybbcentral.com as username LABROCCA

Thank you.
Jesse Labrocca


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