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Letzte Ankündigung: MyBB 1.8.38 veröffentlicht (30.04.24)

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Inventory Shop
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Inventory Shop

Zitat:Inventory Shop Mod
Version: 1.0.1
Release Status: Released
Live Demo: http://theend.mydevote.com/forums/
Contributions From: CraKteR (Plug-In, various fixes, putting up with me Big Grin)

Six Shops
Weapon Shop
Armor Shop
Helmet Shop
Boot Shop
Accessory Shop
Element Shop

User Interface
Money For New Posts
Money For New Threads
Money For Registering

Edit Users Money
Edit Users Items
Edit Amount Given for Posts/Threads/Registering


Bugs fixed in 1.0.1
Money For Registering Bug Fixed
Shop Info shown on Profile Page
Money is formatted correctly in Shop
Missing Element Holy Added
All of the templates have been added to the cache.

Stuff Since RC2
Cleaner Postbit Equipment Display
Shows All Equipment on shop_index page.

Bugs Fixed Since RC1
Boots Shop fixed.
Users could buy without having the right amount fixed.
All shops showing: \\"Current Weapon:\\" fixed.

Features and Bug Fixes Planned For 1.1.0
Stuff in bold is currently finished, this list is subject to change without notice. Stuff in Italics are a maybe.
Ability to add/edit current shops
Ability to add/edit items
Ability to Sell Items
Currency Type
Items not shown when not there
\\"You have this item!\\" (Guess why? Toungue)
Various Spelling Fixes (Cuz I\\'m a retard)
Item Costs Parsed Correctly

MyBB 1.2 Info
This will be ported to MyBB 1.2.

Info on Inventory Shop 1.1.0
The 1.0.x series of the Inventory Shop will not be ported to MyBB. Instead, I\\'ll be developing version 1.1.0 on MyBB 1.2.0 itself, and that will be the 1.2 port.

Also note that I am no longer developing the 1.0.x series. Instead, bug-fixes planned for 1.0.2 will be added to 1.1.0.


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  Inventory Shop MyBB.de Bot 10 6.357 23.05.2010, 11:37
Letzter Beitrag: StefanT