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Add Game TAR
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Add Game TAR

Zitat:WARNING: This mod is to be use in addition with the Game section mod!(any version, including 1.1.x)


-- Games with gamedata files can now be installed with this mod. To upgrade download the new files and look in readme.txt

Mod description:

There are many games that come in archived folders; they normally contain a flash file, 2 image files,
and a PHP file.

Until now you had to put the flash file in /games and then put the image files in /games/images. Then you had
to try and guess the game settings when you went to add game in the admin cp.

Well with this mod you just upload the tar archive to /games/tar/tar and go to FORUMROOT/games/tar.php type in
the name of the tar file, the category # and press "add game". Everything is taken care of for you, the files
are moved and the tar archive is deleted.

Mod installation:

1)open upload/tar.php in your favorite text editor
2)change $auid to your uid and save the file
3)Copy the files in the upload folder to FORUMROOT/games/ .
4)CHMOD /games to 777, games/images to 777, games/tar to 777, games/tar/tar to 777, games/tar/unpackaged to 777.
5)Upload game tar files to FORUMROOT/games/tar/tar, then go to http://FORUMROOT/games/tar.php to add games.

Mod Usage:

Upload game tar files to FORUMROOT/games/tar/tar, then go to http://FORUMROOT/games/tar.php to add games.

Mod Credits:

Game Mod: Paretje (http://www.Online-Urbanus.be)
PclTar 1.3.1: Vincent Blavet (http://www.phpconcept.net)

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