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Easy Adv. Banner
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Zitat:Easy Adv. Banner 2.0

Easy, efficient and complete manager to have different banners.


Upload easyb.php to ./inc/plugins
Upload easybanner.php to ./admin
Upload b_edit.png & b_drop.png to ./admin/styles/Axiom
Upload ebanner.lang.php to ./inc/languages/YOUR-Language/admin
Chmod ./admin/index.php to 777
Go to Admin CP > Board Settings > Plug-in Manager > Activate
*Now you may revert back the chmod you made to ./admin/index.php


 Different banner each time you visit a page.
 Easy and flexible banners manager in the Admin CP where you
o Upload images directly.
o Set the Link at the point.
o Set the Alt Text at the point
o Ability to choose between external image URL or to upload it
o The choice to hide or show the banner without deleting it, and directly
while adding it or later by editing it.
o Easy modify for any entry (Simply change the alt text, the link, the
image it self).
o Easy delete and removing of the banners from the directory and from the
o See how many times each banner was displayed beside each entry in the
o Directly visit the image or the link for that image from the manager.
o Nice and attractive look for the manager.
o Full control of all banners.
 Set the directory you want for the banners to be uploaded to from
the Board settings > change > Easy Adv. Banner.
 Set the link target easily from the same settings page.
 Add the banners any place you want in your board.
 Total cleaning after deactivate (From database, and all uploaded
 Easy activate and deactivate.


How to use:
Easy Adv. Banner manager:
Accessing Easy Adv. Banner manager:
Upon activating the plug-in, a new navigation entry will be added to the
admin cp navigation panel on the left. For that reason you will need to
refresh the whole thing so you can see the new navigation (Easy Adv. Banner
> Manage Banners).

Understand the manager:
The manager is composed of 2 major parts, the top one which is the tool to
add or modify a banner, and part below is designed to display the entries
each in an independent row that allows you to control and get information
about that banner.

How to add a banner:
Choosing an image: You have 2 options to choose the image, 1st is to
browse for one locally on your computer (Select an Image), the 2nd is by
using an external image, which happens by adding that image�s URL in
the External image field.
Setting up the link: The ââ?¬Å?Please specify a target linkââ?¬Â
referrers to the actual link that this banner will target users to.
Setting the Alt text: The ââ?¬Å?Please enter an alt text for that
image� referrers to the Alt text that will be displayed when a user
hover over that link.
* Note that the link and the alt text are optional.
Select a status: A status in here means whether you want to start showing
this image immediately (NO), or hide it (YES), these can be set from
ââ?¬Å?Would you like to hide this banner meanwhileââ?¬Â.
Click Upload.
*you can�t choose 2 sources for the image at the same time. This
means whether you use an external image or browse for one.
*The allowed extensions are directly set by the user from the settings
part. Any choice that doesn�t fit these, will display an error
message and you will have to choose again.

How to modify a banner entry:
In each banner�s entry row there is a modify tool, represented by .
Once you click, you will be taken to a page similar to the upload tool.
From there you can see and modify anything related to that banner.

Modifying F.A.Q
Q. Can I replace an uploaded banner with an external?
A. Yes of course and same vice versa.

Q. What happens if I replace an uploaded banner with an external one?
A. The uploaded image will be deleted from the directory, and the
data-base will be updated with the new external link.

Q. Can I change the status of a banner while editing?
A. Yes of course, when entering the modifying page, the status will be set
depending on the meantime status, so you can change it whenever you

Q. What if I modify with random text for the external image or browse a
file which is not any image?
A. Same as adding a banner, you can�t upload anything else than
images you will be encountered with an error message (unless you edit the
related settings part).

Deleting a banner:
Deleting a banner is something so easy, just click on , this will result
of the uploaded banner to be deleted from the directory, and to clean its
entry in the data-base.
External images entry will only be deleted from the data-base as the image
isn�t uploaded to your own space.

Miscellaneous info:
Rows for hidden entries are colored in red.
Rows for Active entries are colored in green.
Entries that have more than 25 character in their, the will manager will
deduct a part of them and replace it with ââ?¬Å?ââ?¬Â¦Ã¢â?¬Â just to
ensure a good and more arranged look for the manager and to prevent long
links or text to extend its width or height.

Reading an entry:
A banner Id is in the 1st columns it won�t help you in anything
In the 2nd column you will find the target link for that banner, you may
visit it directly from the manager.
In the 3rd column you will find the actual image, displayed as its URL,
also you can go and see the image directly from the manager.
In the 5th column is the Alt Text for that image.
The 6th column displays how many times that banner was displayed on the
The 7th is the status of that banner; however the color of the
row�s background will also explain that status.
The 8th and 9th and the delete and modify tools.
*note that some links, images urls and alt text will be shortened, as
explained in miscellaneous info

The settings part
The settings part is accessed through Admin CP > Board settings >
Changed > Easy Adv. Banner
From there you may set the:
Upload path: which is the directory to where the uploaded banners will be
uploaded (By default it is ./uploads), Note that this directory should be
chmoded to 777.
The Links target: is the target of the link, so when you click, in case
want it to load in the same page, or different or frame etc� (By
default it is _blank).
Allowed Extensions: you can specify what files extension to be uploaded or
not. By default the allowed extensions are gif|jpg|jpeg|jpe|bmp|png|js

Using the banner somewhere else in the board
By default the banner will be added to the header template just in front
of the logo, to the right side of the page.
We understand that this may cause some troubles for users who might
don�t like to display the ads over there or for those who have a
wide logo, for that reason I urge you not to miss this plugin, but instead
use it, and it is just a little modification for the header template you
will need to make and everything is ok.
In case you don�t want it to appear in the header template, open it
and find:

<div id="header">
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td><div class="logo" align="left"><a
href="$settings[bburl]/index.php"><img src="$theme[logo]"
alt="$settings[bbname]" border="0"
<td><div class="logo"
align="right">$easybanner</div> </td>

Replace it with

<div id="header">
<div class="logo"><a
href="$settings[bburl]/index.php"><img src="$theme[logo]"
alt="$settings[bbname]" border="0" /></a></div>

In case you�d like to display this banner some where else, just add
$easybanner anywhere in any template.

*note no banner will be displayed unless you add one in the Easy Adv.

On deactivating
When you deactivate the plug-in, all uploaded banners will be deleted from
the banners path directory and from ./uploads just in case there was any
over there.
The database table will also be deleted.

Edit ebanner.lang.php to translate the text related to the plug-in.
However there is only 1 thing you will not be able to change from that
file, which is the text for the menu on the left panel in the admin cp.
You will have to edit ./admin/index.php

Please submit all of your translations < http://www.thetechex.net/showthread.php?...n=lastpost

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  Easy Adv. Banner MyBB.de Bot 0 1.659 28.06.2007, 14:21
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