Drafts Autosave - MyBB.de Bot - 18.02.2021
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Zitat:Drafts AutoSave saves new threads and replies as drafts automatically once in a while, so you don't have to worry about losing your writings anymore. Whether if your browser freezes or the AC powers off, you will always have an emergency backup of what you have written down ready to be restored.
Several options are available to customize your own copy of Drafts AutoSave, including different storage methods. You can choose between three different storage methods:
Browser LocalStorage, which is a client-side solution and does not waste any server resources at all. This option is highly recommended and it's enabled by default. Browser LocalStorage may be unavailable in certain browsers, so a fallback will be always available choosing between the following other storage methods.
PluginLibrary, which is the fastest server-side method but the less reliable (as its cache may vanish at any time, eg. on server's failure).
Database, which ensures that drafts will be always available but may cost something in terms of performances.
When the user posts his message, saved drafts are automatically deleted by the system. Both the message and the subject (if available) are saved.
You can also specify whether to load saved drafts - if available - directly when an user opens the target page or to display a message asking the user to do so.
Minimum requirements
PHP 5.4
MyBB 1.6.0
Quick Reply, New Reply and New Thread pages are supported, as well as plain textareas in additional pages (ID: #message), MyBB 1.6 Clickable Editor and MyBB 1.8 WYSIWYG editor. Quick Edit and Editpost are not available yet.
1.8 users can decide to whether or not show messages using the default jGrowl library, or use Humane.js as a valid alternative. 1.6 users are stuck with Humane.js.