MyPlaza Turbo - Bot - 23.12.2008
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: MyPlaza Turbo
Zitat:After a long time of beta testing, 0.3.0 is finally out!
- Fixed a small issue in passive hooks (just to make it easier for me to make upgrade files for modules)
- Added a new column in plaza_cat which name is 'hidden', if a category has this field set to 1 and HIDE_DELETED_CATEGORIES (at the the top of admin/myplaza.php code) is defined as 1, the category will not show up in Admin CP categories list. This is useful if have the inventory/mycompany module installed and you have plenty of items and categories already filling up the categories & items list. Just edit the category and set the hidden setting to yes. There's also a new filter which you can use to view the hidden categories only. You can unhide a category by editing it and setting the hidden setting to no.
- Fixed a few "typo's"
- Improved function myplaza_send_pm() to allow a custom from uid
- Fixed a bug that when deleting a log entry, a success message would not show up. This was due to the fact that $lang->log_entry_deleted did not exist
- Now if a user has additional groups, the plaza uses the group with the lowest plaza rate. (if you want it to select the group with the highest plaza rate, just edit myplaza_general.php "$rate = min($rate);" (without quotes) and replace with "$rate = max($rate);" (without quotes as well)
- The description of a category was not shown in the plaza, this bug has been fixed
- Fixed a bug in the Log that when using the filter "show", the filter would not be used in the pagination.
- Removed Update Manager to get rid of questions like "I get ERROR WHEN In Update manaAGer !! !!??"
- Removed Attachment fees to get rid of questions like "I get ERROR WHEN activating AttachMENT FEES MOduLE !!??"
- Modules system has been improved.
- Added a new menu to the plaza, you can switch to the classic one by going to the plaza settings and setting "Use classic menu?" to Yes
- Bank (1.1.0): updated to be compatible with the new "Admin Page for modules" and "Rebuild menu" features.
- Slotmachine (2.3.0): updated to be compatible with the new "Admin Page for modules" and "Rebuild menu" features.
- MyRPG (1.2.0): updated to be compatible with the new "Admin Page for modules" and "Rebuild menu" features. Added 2 custom items (one which increases the attack and one which increases the defense). Fixed one bug.
- Inventory (1.3.0): Fixed 1 low risk security vulnerability (and added compatibility with MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0).
- MyCompany (2.1.0): Added an admin page which allows admins to manage companies. (delete companies, fire employees). Fixed 1 medium risk security vulnerability. (and added compatibility with MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0). Fixed a bug in sell company action.
- Passive Hooks (1.1.0) You can inline delete hooks when viewing hooks added by a file. Improved the code.
- Fixed 1 very low risk security vulnerability.
I recommend everyone to upgrade immediately.
Live demo:
(You need to be registered)
The screenshot of the plaza page (focusing the new menu) is attached to this post.
I am not going to supply anymore screenshots for this version as the only thing that changed (besides the new menu) was the Modules page and internal things.
Before upgrading your forums, I recommend you to...
Make sure you read the file Documentation/install.html on how to UPGRADE or INSTALL.
The instructions explain everything (even what I said above), just follow them carefully.
I've upgraded my localhost two times correctly and I've also done a fresh installation so it should work fine on yours too.
[Problem] MyPlaza 0.30 Turbo auf MyBB 1.4.8 - Revyn - 10.08.2009
da ich für unsere Website ein Plugin gesucht hab womit ich Usern Virtuelles Geld für Beiträge und Themen gutschreiben kann, bin ich über MyPlaza 0.30 Turbo gestoßen. Von der Beschreibung war es Optimal und ich habe es runtergeladen und im Board Installiert. Als ich es dann über den Reiter MyPlaza Turbo Konfigurieren wollte, war zwar ein AUfbau da aber keine Schrift.
Weiß jemand wo der fehler liegt oder mir ein anderes Plugin empfehlen ?
MfG Revyn
P.S. Auch schon mit anderen gesprochen, haben auch das Problem 
Danke hat sich erledigt
RE: MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0 - StefanT - 10.08.2009
Was war das Problem?
RE: MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0 - Revyn - 11.08.2009
Mein ACP ist auf Deutsch eingestellt und es fehlten die deutsche Sprachdateien.
RE: MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0 - mewking - 12.09.2009
Wie heißt die Upload-Datei für die Logos (firma)?
bei mir kann es wegen den chmod nicht ausgeführt werden.
RE: MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0 - StefanT - 12.09.2009
Ich verstehe deine Frage nicht.
RE: MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0 - mewking - 12.09.2009
bei dem mitgeliefertem modul myfirma(oder so ähnlich ) kann ich die logos nicht hochladen. in der fehlermeldung steht dass es nicht geladen werden konnte.
RE: MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0 - PatrickGER - 16.10.2009
Gibt es auch die Deutsche Sprachdatei ?
RE: MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0 - StefanT - 16.10.2009
So wie es aussieht, nicht.
RE: MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0 - PatrickGER - 16.10.2009