WP/MyBB - MyBB.de Bot - 18.08.2007
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Zitat:0. Description
This is a bridge between WordPress blogging platform and MyBB message board.
They can be found at http://wordpress.org and http://www.mybboard.net .
1. How this works
WP/MyBB is composed of two plugins: a WordPress plugin that acts as the "WP side" of WP/MyBB, and a MyBB plugin that acts as the "MyBB side".
When the WP side is active, WP/MyBB will create a MyBB thread for each WP post in the specified forum section.
The posts of that thread will act as the WP post comments.
You can also choose to display those MyBB posts just as if they were WP comments; in this case a "Comment post on the forums" link will be added. Otherwise the "Comments" link under a WP post will link directly to the corresponding thread.
Editing or deleting the WP post will result in changing or deleting the corresponding thread.
When the MyBB side is active, creating, editing or deleting threads in the specified forum section will result in adding, changing or deleting WP posts.
2. Why you need this
Just think of a "News" section in your message board with all the threads displayed as post entries on your WordPress site.
WP/MyBB can also be useful if you want to let your user write news for your site: writing news on the forum, they will appear on your WordPress site automatically.
3. Install
Since this is not a stable version, I encourage you to make vanilla WordPress and MyBB installs to test the plugin on your server first, without screwing up your website and message board.
3.1. WP side
To install WP/MyBB just extract the "wp" files in your WordPress folder and the "mybb" files in your MyBB folder.
Then activate the WP plugin from your WP admin section, go to Plugins -> WP/MyBB Configuration and enter your access code. You have to enter this code in the MyBB side of the plugin to make WP/MyBB work properly.
If you don't insert the same code on both WP and MyBB sides, you will get an error message.
When you're done with the access code stuff, you have to configure the plugin in WP/MyBB Configuration section.
WP/MyBB adds some functions which you can use in your theme:
- wpmybb_get_thread_link($only_tid) : returns the URL of the corresponding thread of the current post (if it has one) in the WordPress Loop. If you pass true as first parameter, it only returns the thread ID. If the current WP post doesn't have a corresponding thread, it returns false. You can also use this function to check if your WP post must use the WP comment system (i.e. show the "Leave a reply box" at the bottom) or just show a link to the thread (something like "Discuss this post on the forums").
- wpmybb_comments_popup_link([same parameters as wp_comments_popup_link],$line) : is the same as WordPress' wp_comments_popup_link, except that it will show a link to the corresponding thread instead of the WP comments link if Comments on WP is set to false in WP/MyBB Configuration. Plus it will display the username of the last poster in that thread. Just replace wp_comments_popup_link with wpmybb_comments_popup_link in your theme, and you're done.
You can customize the "Last comment by $user" line passing a string to wpmybb_comments_popup_link(). The $user tag will be replaced with the username of the last poster.
Example: wpmybb_comments_popup_link('No Comments »','1 Comment »','% Comments »',"Last post by $user"); You should also delete from your theme the HTML code that displays the "Leave a reply" box, since the WP comments system won't work.
- wpmybb_get_logged_user_info() : returns an array of info on the logged user using MyBB cookies.
3.2 MyBB side
You must enter the access code you inserted in WordPress to make WP/MyBB work properly.
If you want that adding, editing or deleting MyBB posts in the specified forum section will result in adding, changing or deleting WP posts, you have to set the WordPress path field.
4. Known problems
The bridge currently doesn't merge users, so the author of the news will always be the same (the one with ID 1), regardless of the user that creates the thread on the forum. This will be done in 0.9.
RE: WP/MyBB 0.5 - Schumuckl - 26.08.2007
Servus, ich habe das ganze versucht zu installieren um evtl eine Übersetzung möglich zu mamchen. Nachteil ist, wenn man im bridge modus ist, kann man keine neuen Beiträge verfassen. Desweiteren kann man im WP das Plugin nohc so sehr configurieren er schreibt immer das es nicht richtig gemacht wurde.
RE: WP/MyBB 0.8.2 - Lennart Sauter - 20.10.2008
Wird an dem Plugin noch gerbeitet?
Ich suche momentan eine Möglichkeit einen Weblog mit MyBB zu kombinieren und das hier scheint ein guter Ansatz zu sein.
Würde mich über Infos freuen!
RE: WP/MyBB 0.8.2 - StefanT - 21.10.2008
Im englischen Forum gibt es Themen dazu.