Image resizer - Druckversion

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Image resizer - Bot - 28.06.2007

Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Image resizer

Zitat:This plugin allows you to set a maximum width for images in posts, signatures and private messages on your forums. If an image exceeds this maximum width, it will be resized using javascript. The images can be clicked to view the full size version in a new window.

This plugin allows you to:
  • specify a maximum width of images
  • specify to what width images should be resized if they exceed the maximum width
  • add a message, which is shown beneath the resized image
  • add a bit of css to the resized images

  • Upload imageresizer.php to ./inc/plugins
  • Go to Admin CP > Board Settings > Plug-in Manager and activate the plugin
  • Go to Admin CP > Board Settings > Change > Image resizer, adjust the maximum width, resize width, etc. to your likings and set active to yes.

Updated to version 1.2 of mybb