groups.php Problem - Druckversion

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groups.php Problem - Loqi-X - 29.06.2009


ich habe gestern ein backup durchgeführt, da ich auf einem anderen Webspace gewandert bin.

Seitdem funktuniert im Admin-Menü die Gruppen verteilung nicht.

Wenn ich auf Gruppen im Admin-CP klicke, erscheint diese Fehlermeldung:

Parse error: parse error in C:\xampp\htdocs\webspace\loqix\admin\modules\user\groups.php on line 106

* MyBB 1.4
* Copyright © 2008 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
* Website:
* License:
* $Id: groups.php 4324 2009-03-05 21:23:18Z Tikitiki $

// Array of usergroup permission fields and their default values.
$usergroup_permissions = array(
    "isbannedgroup" => 0,
    "canview" => 1,
    "canviewthreads" => 1,
    "canviewprofiles" => 1,
    "candlattachments" => 1,
    "canpostthreads" => 1,
    "canpostreplys" => 1,
    "canpostattachments" => 1,
    "canratethreads" => 1,
    "caneditposts" => 1,
    "candeleteposts" => 1,
    "candeletethreads" => 1,
    "caneditattachments" => 1,
    "canpostpolls" => 1,
    "canvotepolls" => 1,
    "canusepms" => 1,
    "cansendpms" => 1,
    "cantrackpms" => 1,
    "candenypmreceipts" => 1,
    "pmquota" => 100,
    "maxpmrecipients" => 5,
    "cansendemail" => 1,
    "maxemails" => 4,
    "canviewmemberlist" => 1,
    "canviewcalendar" => 1,
    "canaddevents" => 1,
    "canbypasseventmod" => 0,
    "canmoderateevents" => 0,
    "canviewonline" => 1,
    "canviewwolinvis" => 0,
    "canviewonlineips" => 0,
    "cancp" => 0,
    "issupermod" => 0,
    "cansearch" => 1,
    "canusercp" => 1,
    "canuploadavatars" => 1,
    "canratemembers" => 1,
    "canchangename" => 0,
    "showforumteam" => 0,
    "usereputationsystem" => 1,
    "cangivereputations" => 1,
    "reputationpower" => 1,
    "maxreputationsday" => 5,
    "candisplaygroup" => 0,
    "attachquota" => 5000,
    "cancustomtitle" => 0,
    "canwarnusers" => 0,
    "canreceivewarnings" => 1,
    "maxwarningsday" => 0,
    "canmodcp" => 0

// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
    die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");

$page->add_breadcrumb_item($lang->user_groups, "index.php?module=user/groups");

if($mybb->input['action'] == "add" || !$mybb->input['action'])
    $sub_tabs['manage_groups'] = array(
        'title' => $lang->manage_user_groups,
        'link' => "index.php?module=user/groups",
        'description' => $lang->manage_user_groups_desc
    $sub_tabs['add_group'] = array(
        'title' => $lang->add_user_group,
        'link' => "index.php?module=user/groups&amp;action=add",
        'description' => $lang->add_user_group_desc


if($mybb->input['action'] == "export")
    // Log admin action

    $gidwhere = "";
        $gidwhere = "gid='".intval($mybb->input['gid'])."'";
    $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$lang->settings['charset']}\"?".">\n";
    $xml = "<usergroups version=\"{$mybb->version_code}\" exported=\"".TIME_NOW."\">\n";

    $query = $db->simple_select("usergroups", "*", $gidwhere, array('order_by' => 'gid', 'order_dir' => 'ASC'));
    while($usergroup = $db

Würde mich über eine Hilfe sehr freuen!

MfG Loqi-X

RE: groups.php Problem - StefanT - 29.06.2009

Da fehlt am Ende Code.

RE: groups.php Problem - Loqi-X - 29.06.2009

Welche? :S

RE: groups.php Problem - frostschutz - 29.06.2009

lad die datei neu hoch, deine version ist unvollständig