myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - DieBulldogge - 25.03.2010
Moin Moin,
ich habe folgende Problematik:
Ich habe einen vServer mit Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy) - 32 Bit minimal. auf diesem laufen unter anderem einige Projekte die mit dem CMS ilch ( realisiert sind, diese projekte versenden auch emails über smtp. aber ich habe alle bisher erdenklichen beiträge im bezug auf email versand hier aus dem forum und auch via google etc. versucht.
Infos zur Umgebung:
vServer m. Ubuntu 8.04 lts 32 bit minimal
Div. Projekte mit ilch V. 11N umgesetzt die auch emails senden via smtp
smtp über mit dem gleichen konto
myBB Version 1.4.11 (1411)
Theme: geändert (nicht manuell sondern importiert)
Fit on Page
PHP and Themplate Conditionals
Simple Calender on Portal
Post on Registration
Specific forum banning
INFO: Der email Versand ist auch nicht in der reinen Grundinstallation möglich (getestet)
Hier meine myBB - php.php (alle Komentare entfernt)
PHP-Code: <?php if(!defined("IN_MYBB")) { die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined."); }
class PhpMail extends MailHandler { var $additional_parameters = '';
function send() { global $lang, $mybb;
$this->sendmail = @ini_get('sendmail_path'); if($this->sendmail) { $this->headers = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->headers); $this->message = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->message); $this->delimiter = "\n"; } $this->sendmail_from = @ini_get('sendmail_from'); if($this->sendmail_from != $mybb->settings['adminemail']) { @ini_set("sendmail_from", $mybb->settings['adminemail']); } if(ini_get('safe_mode') == 1 || strtolower(ini_get('safe_mode')) == 'on') { $sent = @mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->message, trim($this->headers)); } else { $sent = @mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->message, trim($this->headers), $this->additional_parameters); } $function_used = 'mail()';
if(!$sent) { $this->fatal_error("MyBB was unable to send the email using the PHP {$function_used} function."); return false; }
return true; } } ?>
Hier die myBB - smtp.php (alle komentare entfernt)
PHP-Code: <?php if(!defined("IN_MYBB")) { die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined."); } if(!defined('MYBB_SSL')) { define('MYBB_SSL', 1); }
if(!defined('MYBB_TLS')) { define('MYBB_TLS', 2); }
class SmtpMail extends MailHandler { var $connection;
var $username = '';
var $password = '';
var $helo = 'localhost';
var $authenticated = false;
var $timeout = 5;
var $status = 0;
var $port = 25; var $secure_port = 465;
var $host = ''; var $data = ''; var $code = 0; var $last_error = ''; var $keep_alive = false;
function SmtpMail() { global $mybb; $this->__construct(); } function __construct() { global $mybb;
$protocol = ''; switch($mybb->settings['secure_smtp']) { case MYBB_SSL: $protocol = 'ssl://'; break; case MYBB_TLS: $protocol = 'tls://'; break; }
if(empty($mybb->settings['smtp_host'])) { $this->host = @ini_get('SMTP'); } else { $this->host = $mybb->settings['smtp_host']; } $this->helo = $this->host;
$this->host = $protocol . $this->host;
if(empty($mybb->settings['smtp_port']) && !empty($protocol) && !@ini_get('smtp_port')) { $this->port = $this->secure_port; } else if(empty($mybb->settings['smtp_port']) && @ini_get('smtp_port')) { $this->port = @ini_get('smtp_port'); } else if(!empty($mybb->settings['smtp_port'])) { $this->port = $mybb->settings['smtp_port']; } $this->password = $mybb->settings['smtp_pass']; $this->username = $mybb->settings['smtp_user']; }
function send() { global $lang, $mybb;
if(!$this->connected()) { $this->connect(); } if($this->connected()) { if(!$this->send_data('MAIL FROM:<'.$this->from.'>', '250')) { $this->fatal_error("The mail server does not understand the MAIL FROM command. Reason: ".$this->get_error()); return false; } $emails = explode(',', $this->to); foreach($emails as $to) { $to = trim($to); if(!$this->send_data('RCPT TO:<'.$to.'>', '250')) { $this->fatal_error("The mail server does not understand the RCPT TO command. Reason: ".$this->get_error()); return false; } }
if($this->send_data('DATA', '354')) { $this->send_data('Date: ' . gmdate('r')); $this->send_data('To: ' . $this->to); $this->send_data('Subject: ' . $this->subject);
// Only send additional headers if we've got any if(trim($this->headers)) { $this->send_data(trim($this->headers)); } $this->send_data("");
$this->message = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $this->message); $this->send_data($this->message); } else { $this->fatal_error("The mail server did not understand the DATA command"); return false; }
$this->send_data('.', '250');
if(!$this->keep_alive) { $this->close(); } return true; } else { return false; } }
function connect() { global $lang, $mybb;
$this->connection = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $error_number, $error_string, $this->timeout); if(function_exists('stream_set_timeout') && DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\') { @stream_set_timeout($this->connection, $this->timeout, 0); }
if(is_resource($this->connection)) { $this->status = 1; $this->get_data(); if(!$this->check_status('220')) { $this->fatal_error("The mail server is not ready, it did not respond with a 220 status message."); return false; }
if(!empty($this->username) && !empty($this->password)) { $data = $this->send_data('EHLO ' . $this->helo, '250'); if(!$data) { $this->fatal_error("The server did not understand the EHLO command"); return false; } preg_match("#250-AUTH( |=)(.+)$#mi", $data, $matches); if(!$this->auth($matches[2])) { $this->fatal_error("MyBB was unable to authenticate you against the SMTP server"); return false; } } else { if(!$this->send_data('HELO ' . $this->helo, '250')) { $this->fatal_error("The server did not understand the HELO command"); return false; } } return true; } else { $this->fatal_error("Unable to connect to the mail server with the given details.<br /><br />{$error_number}: {$error_string}"); return false; } } function auth($auth_methods) { global $lang, $mybb; $auth_methods = explode(" ", $auth_methods); if(in_array("LOGIN", $auth_methods)) { if(!$this->send_data("AUTH LOGIN", 334)) { if($this->code == 503) { return true; } $this->fatal_error("The SMTP server did not respond correctly to the AUTH LOGIN command"); return false; } if(!$this->send_data(base64_encode($this->username), '334')) { $this->fatal_error("The SMTP server rejected the supplied SMTP username. Reason: ".$this->get_error()); return false; } if(!$this->send_data(base64_encode($this->password), '235')) { $this->fatal_error("The SMTP server rejected the supplied SMTP password. Reason: ".$this->get_error()); return false; } } else if(in_array("PLAIN", $auth_methods)) { if(!$this->send_data("AUTH PLAIN", '334')) { if($this->code == 503) { return true; } $this->fatal_error("The SMTP server did not respond correctly to the AUTH PLAIN command"); return false; } $auth = base64_encode(chr(0).$this->username.chr(0).$this->password); if(!$this->send_data($auth, 235)) { $this->fatal_error("The SMTP server rejected the supplied login username and password. Reason: ".$this->get_error()); return false; } } else { $this->fatal_error("The SMTP server does not support any of the AUTH methods that MyBB supports"); return false; }
return true; }
function get_data() { $string = '';
while((($line = fgets($this->connection, 515)) !== false)) { $string .= $line; if(substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } $this->data = $string; $this->code = substr(trim($this->data), 0, 3); return $string; }
function connected() { if($this->status == 1) { return true; } return false; }
function send_data($data, $status_num = false) { if($this->connected()) { if(fwrite($this->connection, $data."\r\n")) { if($status_num != false) { $rec = $this->get_data(); if($this->check_status($status_num)) { return $rec; } else { $this->set_error($rec); return false; } } return true; } else { $this->fatal_error("Unable to send the data to the SMTP server"); return false; } } return false; }
function check_status($status_num) { if($this->code == $status_num) { return $this->data; } else { return false; } } function close() { if($this->status == 1) { $this->send_data('QUIT'); fclose($this->connection); $this->status = 0; } } function get_error() { if(!$this->last_error) { $this->last_error = "N/A"; } return $this->last_error; }
function set_error($error) { $this->last_error = $error; } } ?>
Hier noch die ilch - smtp.php (dieses CMS kann mails versenden)
PHP-Code: <?php # Copyright by Manuel # Support defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
function server_parse($socket, $response, $line = __LINE__) { $server_response = ''; while (substr($server_response, 3, 1) != ' ') { if (!($server_response = fgets($socket, 256))) { echo 'Couldn\'t get mail server response codes<br />'; } }
if (!(substr($server_response, 0, 3) == $response)) { echo "Ran into problems sending Mail. Response: $server_response<br />"; } }
function smtpmail($mail_to, $subject, $message, $headers = '') { global $allgAr; $smtp_host = $allgAr['mail_smtp_host']; $smtp_username = $allgAr['mail_smtp_login']; require_once('include/includes/class/'); $cr64 = new AzDGCrypt(DBDATE.DBUSER.DBPREF); $smtp_password = $cr64->decrypt($allgAr['mail_smtp_password']);
$absender = $allgAr['mail_smtp_email'];
$message = preg_replace("#(?<!\r)\n#si", "\r\n", $message); if ($headers != '') { if (is_array($headers)) { if (sizeof($headers) > 1) { $headers = join("\n", $headers); } else { $headers = $headers[0]; } } $headers = chop($headers); $headers = preg_replace('#(?<!\r)\n#si', "\r\n", $headers); $header_array = explode("\r\n", $headers); @reset($header_array);
$headers = ''; while(list(, $header) = each($header_array)) { if (preg_match('#^cc:#si', $header)) { $cc = preg_replace('#^cc:(.*)#si', '\1', $header); } else if (preg_match('#^bcc:#si', $header)) { $bcc = preg_replace('#^bcc:(.*)#si', '\1', $header); $header = ''; } $headers .= ($header != '') ? $header . "\r\n" : ''; }
$headers = chop($headers); $cc = explode(', ', $cc); $bcc = explode(', ', $bcc); }
if (trim($subject) == '') { echo 'No email Subject specified<br />'; }
if (trim($message) == '') { echo 'Email message was blank<br />'; }
if( !$socket = @fsockopen($smtp_host, 25, $errno, $errstr, 20) ) { echo "Could not connect to smtp host : $errno : $errstr<br />"; }
server_parse($socket, "220", __LINE__);
if( !empty($smtp_username) && !empty($smtp_password) ) { fputs($socket, "HELO " . $smtp_host . "\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "250", __LINE__);
fputs($socket, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "334", __LINE__);
fputs($socket, base64_encode($smtp_username) . "\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "334", __LINE__);
fputs($socket, base64_encode($smtp_password) . "\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "235", __LINE__); } else { fputs($socket, "HELO " . $smtp_host . "\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "250", __LINE__); }
fputs($socket, "MAIL FROM: <" . $absender . ">\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "250", __LINE__);
$to_header = '';
$mail_to = (trim($mail_to) == '') ? 'Undisclosed-recipients:;' : trim($mail_to); if (preg_match('#[^ ]+\@[^ ]+#', $mail_to)) { fputs($socket, "RCPT TO: <$mail_to>\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "250", __LINE__); }
@reset($bcc); if (isset($bcc)) { while(list(, $bcc_address) = each($bcc)) { $bcc_address = trim($bcc_address); if (preg_match('#[^ ]+\@[^ ]+#', $bcc_address)) { fputs($socket, "RCPT TO: <$bcc_address>\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "250", __LINE__); } } }
@reset($cc); if (isset($cc)) { while(list(, $cc_address) = each($cc)) { $cc_address = trim($cc_address); if (preg_match('#[^ ]+\@[^ ]+#', $cc_address)) { fputs($socket, "RCPT TO: <$cc_address>\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "250", __LINE__); } } }
fputs($socket, "DATA\r\n");
server_parse($socket, "354", __LINE__);
fputs($socket, "Subject: $subject\r\n");
fputs($socket, "To: $mail_to\r\n");
fputs($socket, "$headers\r\n\r\n");
fputs($socket, "$message\r\n");
fputs($socket, ".\r\n"); server_parse($socket, "250", __LINE__);
fputs($socket, "QUIT\r\n"); fclose($socket);
return true; } ?>
Ich Sende meine php.php und die smtp.php aus dem mailhandlers Verzeichnis als Anhang mit.
php.php (Größe: 1,85 KB / Downloads: 0)
smtp.php (Größe: 9,62 KB / Downloads: 0)
Link zu dem Forum: (fast vergessen anzugeben ^^)
MfG DieBulldogge
RE: myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - StefanT - 25.03.2010
Was steht in den E-Mail-Logs im ACP?
RE: myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - DieBulldogge - 25.03.2010
Ich hab einen auszug aus dem Log als Screen angehängt. sind halt verschiedene Angaben die durch verschiedene Test´s entstanden sind
mfg Die Bulldogge
RE: myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - StefanT - 26.03.2010
Das sagt eindeutig, dass die Daten für SMTP falsch sind, d.h. der SMTP-Benutzer entspricht nicht der E-Mail des Forums.
RE: myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - DieBulldogge - 26.03.2010
magst du mir dann bitte einmal sagen was ich genau in welchen feld in welcher form eingetragen werden muss... hab meines wissens nach alle varianten durch getstet (mit-f, ohne) mit einem Acc von, und und eine manuelle freischaltung steht leider außer frage für das geplante projekt.
also mit dem besagten ilch cms geht es über die gmx-adresse ohne "probleme" (landet leider als spam beim empfänger).
mfg Die Bulldogge
RE: myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - StefanT - 26.03.2010
Da die Meldungen ständig anders sind und du die eingetragenen Daten nicht preisgibst, kann ich dir nicht helfen. Am MyBB scheint es nicht zu liegen.
RE: myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - DieBulldogge - 26.03.2010
in wie fern daten nicht preis geben ??? erwartest du jetzt das ich dir die daten zu meinem mailprovider inkl. benutzername und kennwort gebe oder wie soll ich das verstehen ? teilweise sind 3 fehlermeldungen von einem einzigen sendeversuch ^^
RE: myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - StefanT - 26.03.2010
Das Passwort natürlich nicht, aber wie sollen wir dir sonst helfen?
RE: myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - DieBulldogge - 26.03.2010
email provider:
smtp host:
SSL over SMTP" (SSMTP) über Port 465
oder StartTLS über Port 25
smtp benutzer:
Kennwort: ************
RE: myBB versendet keine emails, suche kompetente hilfe - StefanT - 26.03.2010
Was hast du im ACP angeben?