30.01.2017, 12:05
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Infobar
Shows an Infobar at the top of the board to guests and users that have not activated their account.
Author: querschlaeger
Submitted: 2nd March 2009
Last Updated: 3rd August 2010
This plugin shows an Infobar* at the top of the board to guests and also users that have not activated their account.
It looks like the Infobar of Internet Explorer or Firefox and also have a nice hover effect.
MyBB 1.4: Yes
MyBB 1.6: Yes
Updated to version 1.5 for MyBB 1.8.x usage by: Vintagedaddyo
- Minor code changes
- Minor directory changes
Updated to version 1.6 for MyBB 1.8.x usage by: Vintagedaddyo
- Minor code changes
- Further Localization support:
MyBB 1.8: Yes
To Install:
Upload The Files, And Go to Admin CP And Active IT!