19.11.2016, 00:35
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Themedemoer
* Allow Theme designers to demo their themes and their users to quickly change/view and download their themes.
Themedemoer v1.0
» Installation:
1.) After downloading the plugin unpack it (with 7-Zip for example)
2.) Upload the contents of "Upload" into your forums main directory.
3.) Go to the Admin Control Panel under Plugins > Themedemoer
4.) Search for and click the "Activate" as this will install the plugin to your forum.
5.) Upload your themename.zip files to the main forum directory in the folder titled "theme-downloads" as that is required for the plugin theme download button make sure to name your zips correctly * I am hopeful that you will get it!
6.) Now have fun with your forum!
Themedemoer v1.0
» Changelog:
11-18-2016 — * simply a small change to themedemoer.css and themedemoer.php plugin file to allow for "list_label" display none on smaller devices
10-11-2016 — Plugin initial creation*
* Not perfect but it basically achieved what I simply needed so I figured I would be nice and share it.
To Do:
* clean up any minor issues
* keep improving further as my time allows
* fix a few issues I haven't gotten to yet
Themedemoer v1.0
» License:
You may not remove or change the * "Authors: vintagedaddyo, tikitiki, terrorz, EviLito" statements in the code comments of this plugin's files. You may use and modify this plugin to your personal likings, but redistributing a modified version for download without keeping the * "Authors: vintagedaddyo, tikitiki, terrorz, EviLito" statements in the code comments of this plugin's files is strictly prohibited, unless you have explicit written permission from "Vintagedaddyo", though you are allowed to redistribute a copy that has not had the * "Authors: vintagedaddyo, tikitiki, terrorz, EviLito" statements in the code comments of this plugin's files modified. You are free to add your name to the authors and continue further improving the plugin.
This program is free software: and you you can redistribute it and/or modify it as long as you respectfully keep the * "Authors: vintagedaddyo, tikitiki, terrorz, EviLito" statements in the code comments of this plugin's files under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.