17.05.2012, 16:00
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: ( 4 RTL ) OranGe Skin ( MyBBSkin.Ir)
Zitat:Hi my friendS
this theme is The most advanced in MyBB
Author: Omid KarimZadeh (!ArTiN!)
web: http://iran-talk.ir
Support: http://mybbskin.ir/index.php
* color theme is OranGe
* is the RTL
* BeSt postbit classic
* Advanced Signature
>>>> [Bild: http://up.iran-talk.ir/uploads/13356001302.gif]
* Advanced Attachments
>>>> [Bild: http://up.iran-talk.ir/uploads/13356001303.gif]
* Sub forums
>>>>> [Bild: http://up.iran-talk.ir/uploads/13356011951.gif]
* BeSt Size Editor & Smileys iS Scroll
>>>> [Bild: http://up.iran-talk.ir/uploads/13356001304.gif]
* Previous form of security problems have been solved
*Beautiful Header and footer [Bild: http://up.iran-talk.ir/uploads/13356004281.gif]
BY: Omid KarimZadeh ( http://www.mybb-iran.ir )
My web: http://iran-talk.ir
Support in: http://mybbskin.ir
I hope you enjoy this skin